Thursday, 5 March 2020

2019 detailed weather summaries Llanwnnen and referencing Midlands

2019 summaries

January 2019


Near average temperatures; rather dry and quite dull

Total rainfall 96.4mm being 67% of the historical average for nearby Lampeter and 63% of the 2006-19 average at this location. Driest Jan since 2013 (119.9mm).
Mean temp: 6.4c = coolest Jan since 2013 (4.0c).
Estimated sunshine: 32 hours (74%) = dullest Jan since 2014 (est 29 hrs).

1st - 5th after a mild, cloudy, damp 1st it became cold and dry, sunny 2nd othger wise rather cloudy. Frosty nights, min -7.2c and max 1.0c 4th which turned out the lowest readings of the month. Less cold 5th.

6th - 15th mostly mild and mostly dry but often cloudy; briefly colder and brighter with frosts 9th and 10th ; some days saw a little light rain or drizzle not amounting to much.

16th - 23rd mostly rather cold, sunny intervals with occasional spells of rain or showers, these wintry later; slushy 4cm temporary snow covering on the lawn 22nd ; some nights saw slight frosts.

24th - 26th mild and cloudy, some rain or drizzle, with heavier spells of rain and showers 26th; min 8.2c and max 10.2c 25th being the highest of the month.

27th -31st rather cold/ cold end to the month; changeable with sunny intervals, spells of rain to snow 29th and then 31st sharp frost, min -6.9c and some light snow not amounting to much (under 1cm by midnight)

Total rainfall: 94.4mm (67%)
Wettest day: 18.4mm 26th
Max rain rate: 26.2mm/ hr 26th
Rain days >0.2mm: 22
Wet days >1.0mm: 14
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 4
Longest dry spell: 4 days 2nd - 5th
Mean temperature: 4.0c (-0.4c wrt 2006-19)
Mean Max: 6.4c (-0.8c)
Mean Min: 1.6c (-0.1c)

High Max: 10.2c 26
Low Max: 1.0c 4
High Min: 8.2c 26
Low Min: -7.2c 4

Est sun: 32hr (74%)
Max sun: 6.5 hrs 2nd
Days no sun: 12
Below 1 hour: 21

Air frost: 11
Ground frost: 14
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: 93%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 69% 17

Predominant wind direction: west
Mean wind speed: c 5mph (anemometer playing up)
Max gust: c. 50mph 27th (faulty reading spikes that day)
Mean pressure: 1019mbar
Max pressure: 1045mbar 2
Min pressure:
983mbar 31st

Days with:

Hail: 7 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 4
Fog at 0900: 1
Snow or sleet: 4
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 3 NE 0 E 1 SE 1 S 1 SW 5 W 4 NW 2 Calm 14

Church Lawford rainfall :

Total: 30.8mm (55%)
Wettest day: 6.6mm 26th
Rain days: 22
Over 1mm: 14
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 8 days 4th - 11th


Total rainfall: 30.6mm (51%)
Wettest day: 5.6mm 16th. 26th
Rain days: 15
Wet days: 8
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 10 days 1st -10th

Thunder: 0

Sunshine: 54.6 hrs (87%)

Llanwnnen, February 2019 summary

Very mild and sunny; rather dry

Mean temp 6.7c (+2.0c wrt 2006-19 average).
Mean max 11.1c (+3.0c) = mildest recorded; second mildest of any Winter month (Dec 2015 11.3c).
Mean min 2.3c (+0.9c).
Second mildest Feb srb 2006 (6.9c 2011).
Estimated sunshine: 98 hours (153%) = sunniest Feb (only srb 2014)
Total rainfall: 84.1mm being 82% of historical 1916-50 Falcondale, Lampeter average and 82% of 2006-19 mean here..

1st - 3rd dry and cold; 1cm snow lying morning of 1st being the only occasion this Winter; much cloud bar a sunny 2nd, sharp frost 3rd, min -8.1c coldest reading of the Winter

4th - 10th rather mild and unsettled with spells of rain or showers; windy at times and mostly cloudy; 18.6mm 9th wettest day of the month

11th - 16th mostly dry and mild/ very mild; 14th and 15th especially mild and sunny, both reaching 14c which is quite rare in February, both having virtually unbroken 9 hours sunshine estimated, otherwise rather cloudy

17th – 20th mostly mild, some rain or drizzle at times, rather cloudy; rather windy at times

21st – 27h exceptionally mild/ warm; max 15.8c 22nd & 23rd the highest of the Winter to date, narrowly missed out on the Feb record (16.1c (12/02/08) and would better be described as 'rather warm' quite a feat for Winter- time! Record beaten comfortably 24th max 17.7c, then 25th (18.9c), 26th (18.8c), and lastly 27th (16.8c)! Sunny spells 21st to 23rd but then virtually unbroken sunshine 24th -27th giving an estimated 37 hours over these 4 days. With the clear skies nights were cold and frosty from 24th, as low as -2.6c. Diurnal range of 21.5c remarkably high for the time of year. A dry spell bar a little drizzle late 23rd

28th rain am, much cooler by day but still quite mild.

Total rainfall: 84.1mm (82%)
Wettest day: 18.6mm 9th
Max rain rate: 14.4mm/ hr 9th
Rain days >0.2mm: 16
Wet days >1.0mm: 11
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 2
Longest dry spell: 3 days 24th - 26th
Mean temperature: 6.7c (+2.0c)
Mean Max: 11.1c (+3.0c)
Mean Min: 2.3c (+0.9c)

High Max: 18.9c 25th
Low Max: 2.9c 1
High Min: 9.1c 21
Low Min: -8.1c 3

Est sun: 98 hr (153%)
Max sun: 10 hrs 26th
Days no sun: 2

Air frost: 9
Ground frost: 14
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: 86%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 26% 25

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 53mph 8th
Mean pressure: 1018mbar
Max pressure: 1036mbar 24th & 25th
Min pressure: 986mbar 1

Days with:

Hail: 1 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 1
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 1

0900 WIND: N 0 NE 1 E 0 SE 4 S 6 SW 6 W 4 NW 2 Calm 5

Church Lawford rainfall Feb 2019 :

Total: 36.6mm (91%)
Wettest day: 9.8mm 9th
Rain days: 13
Over 1mm: 8
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 7 days 21st -27th

Bablake Feb 2019

Total: 33.2mm (75%)
Wettest day: 9.2mm 9th
Rain days: 15
Over 1mm: 7
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 6 days 22nd - 27th

Llanwnnen, Winter 2018/19 summary

Very mild and rather dry; average sunshine

Mean temp: 5.9c (+1.2c wrt 2006-19) = mildest since 2016 (6.4c). December and February very mild, Jan average.
Total rainfall 361.2mm (93%) = driest since 2016/17 (296.0mm); this being 83% of the average at this location 2006-19 and 93% of the historical mean for Lampeter; December slightly wetter than average, Jan and Feb both rather dry.
Total est sun: 145 hrs (100%) = looked like ending up rather a dull Winter (December very dull indeed just 15 hrs estimated) but redeemed by a very sunny final week to February.

Total rainfall: 361.2mm (93%)
Wettest day: 22.8mm Dec 18th
Max rain rate: 35.2mm/ hr Dec 15th
Rain days >0.2mm: 64
Wet days >1.0mm: 45
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 14
Longest dry spell: 4 days Jan 2nd -5th
Mean temperature: 5.9c (+1.2c wrt 2006-19)
Mean Max: 8.9c (+1.2c)
Mean Min: 3.0c (+1.2c)

High Max: 18.9c Feb 25th
Low Max: 1.0c Jan 4
High Min: 9.6c Dec 2
nd & 6th
Low Min: -8.1c Feb 3

Est sun: 145 hr (100%)
Max sun: 10 hrs Feb 26th & 27th
Days no sun: 33

Air frost: 23
Ground frost: 34
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: 91%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 26% Feb 25

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 53mph Feb 8th
Mean pressure: 1017mbar
Max pressure: 1045mbar Jan 2
Min pressure: 983mbar Jan 31

Days with:

Hail: 8 (2)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 5
Fog at 0900: 1
Snow or sleet: 4
Snow lying 0900: 1

0900 WIND: N 3 NE 1 E 5 SE 7 S 12 SW 20 W 11 NW 4 Calm 27

Church Lawford rainfall Winter 2018/19:

Total: 151.8mm (99%)
Wettest day: 16.6mm Dec 21st
Rain days: 44
Over 1mm: 32
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 8 days Jan 4th -11th

Bablake Winter 2018/19

Total: 144.8mm (87%)
Wettest day: 12.0mm Dec 18th
Rain days: 46
Over 1mm: 32
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 10 days Jan 1st -10th

March 2019 Llanwnnen

Mild and wet; sunshine near average

Total rainfall: 152.3mm wettest March only since 2017 (153.9mm) this being 185% of the historical 1916-50 average for Lampeter but just 145% of the 2006-19 mean here (averages 83mm and 104.8mm respectively)..
Most of the rain fell in the first 16 days with just 5.1mm in the final fortnight...
Mean temp 7.3c = mean max close to average, mean min almost 2c above average..Temperature variation unremarkable from min -3.2c to max 15.4c..
Total estimated sunshine 93 hrs (100%) - sunniest March estimated since 2016 (131 hours).
What had been a largely dull month was redeemed by a very sunny spell towards month end, with est 52 hours 24th - 29th.

1st - 18th unsettled with spells of rain or showers, heavy at times; sunshine limited with largely overcast with sunny intervals; temperatures varied from rather cold to mild, although nights were notably mild, nothing below -0.1c (8th) and highest minimum being 8.7c on the 15th; windy at times, notably 3rd which saw gusts of at least 57mph (anemometer not always accurate); 25.1mm 5th wettest day, almost 6 inches (over 140mm) having fallen by 16th

19th - 22nd mild and mostly cloudy with a little rain or drizzle at times; all nights 19th to 22nd above 7c

23rd – 31st dry with sunny periods became mild by day; slight frost and fog at times overnight; more cloud last two days

Total rainfall: 152.3mm (185%)
Wettest day: 25.1mm 5th
Max rain rate: 36.4mm/hr 12th
Rain days >0.2mm: 19
Wet days >1.0mm: 19
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 4
Longest dry spell: 9 days 23rd - 31st
Mean temperature: 7.3c (+1.0c wrt 2006-19 average)
Mean Max: 10.8c (+0.2c)
Mean Min: 3.8c (+1.9c)

High Max: 15.4c 28
Low Max: 7.1c 7
High Min: 8.7c 15
Low Min: -3.2c 28

Est sun: 93hr (100%)
Max sun: 11.5 hours 28th
Days no sun: 5

Air frost: 6
Ground frost: 11
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: 87%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 51% 29

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: N/A
Max gust: c 57mph 3rd
Mean pressure: 1016mbar
Max pressure: 1038mbar 27th
Min pressure: 981mbar 6

Days with:

Hail: 3 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 4
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 1
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 2 NE 1 E 0 SE 0 S 2 SW 10 W 10 NW 0 Calm 6

Church Lawford rainfall March 2019 :

Rather wet..

Total: 63.2mm (140%)
Wettest day: 15.0mm 5th
Rain days: 18
Over 1mm: 12
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 13 days 19th - 31st


Total: 64.4mm (135%)
Wettest day: 16.6mm 5th
Rain days: 18
Over 1mm: 14
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 13 days 19th - 31st

April 2019 Llanwnnen

Rather mild, wet and quite dull; notable warm spell after mid month:

Total rainfall 106.7mm = wettest since 2012 (126.0mm) and second wettest April recorded.
This being 138% of the historial 1916-50 average at nearby Lampeter and 164% of the 2006-19 mean here (note April is on average the only considerably drier month here cf historical Lampeter record, 65mm here and 77mm historical means).
Mildest since 2014 (9.7c).
Total estimated sunshine 125 hours (about 83% of mapped Met Office averages).
High incidence of easterlies with 13 days such direction at 0900GMT and 22 between NE and SE.

1st - 5th bright and warm 1st changed to cool/ very cool and unsettled; spells of rain or showers, some wintry, 30.2mm 3rd being the wettest April day on record here (srb 2006). Max just 5.7c 3rd being the coolest April day since 2013 (4.4c max).

6th - 13th mostly dry with sunny periods, mostly cloudy with a little rain 9th; average to rather warm temperatures, nights however cold and frosty at times, min -2.7c 11th lowest of the month

14th - 16th mostly cloudy but often dry apart from rain 16th ; temperatures around average

17th – 23rd warm to very warm, dry with sunny spells; max 24.9c 20th the warmest in April since 2007 (26.0c) just pipping 24.8c of April 2018 and the preceding day, this spell coincident with Easter..

24th – 30th unsettled with cool to average temperatures; rather cloudy, spells of rain and drizzle and some strong winds at first; final day rather warm and mainly dry...

Total rainfall: 106.7mm (138%)
Wettest day: 30.2mm 3rd = new April record wet day
Max rain rate: 31.8mm/ hr 28th
Rain days >0.2mm:
Wet days >1.0mm:
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 3
Longest dry spell: 5 days 10th - 14th & 17th - 21st
Mean temperature: 9.4c (+0.7c)
Mean Max: 15.0c (+0.9c)
Mean Min: 3.7c (+0.2c)

High Max: 24.9c 20
th = warmest in April since 2007 (26.0c)
Low Max: 5.7c 3
High Min: 10.9c 24
Low Min: -2.7c 11

Est sun: 125 hr
Max sun: 13 hrs 21st
Days no sun: 2

Air frost: 3
Ground frost: 9

Mean RH: 77%
High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 29% 19

Predominant wind direction: SSE
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 63mph?? dubious 27th (no othrt gusts abve 45mph)
Mean pressure: 1013mbar
Max pressure: 1032mbar 20th
Min pressure: 986mbar 4

Days with:

Hail: 1
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 2
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 3
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 3 E 13 SE 6 S 1 SW 1 W 1 NW 2 Calm 2

Church Lawford rainfall :

Total: 17.6mm (35%)
Wettest day: 4.0mm 2nd & 4th
Rain days: 10
Over 1mm: 6
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 7 days 17th - 23rd


Total: 28.6mm (55%)
Wettest day: 13.8mm 25th
Rain days: 9
Over 1mm: 7
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 7 days 9th - 15th & 17th - 23rd

May 2019

Very dry, rather cool and rather dull

Total rainfall 33.9mm (44%) = driest May srb 2006 (39.8mm 2018). This being 44% of the historical 1916-50 mean for nearby Lampeter and just 41% of the 2006-19 average here. At Llanfyndd (near Brechfa, Carms) 33.6mm there described as the driest May since 1998 by Met Office.
Mean temp 10.3c (-1.3c wrt 2006-19 mean) = coolest since 2015 (10.2c).
Mean minima 4.3c (-2.0c) = coolest since 2013 (3.9c) and second coolest (srb 2006).
7 air frost record for May, although in May 1996 Llanpumsaint, near Carmarthen recorded 14 (COL May 1996)!
Total estimated sunshine 160 hrs (88%) = dullest since 2015 (150 hrs).

1st - 7th cool and mainly dry with some sunny intervals; run of air frost 5th – 7th, 4th although sunny was the coolest day of the month, max 11.3c; min -4.3c 5th a record low for May (-2.9c 2013); temperatures though recovered briefly by day 7th to above average

8th - 10th cool with spells of rain or showers, rather cloudy and breezy

11th - 16th another run of frost 10th – 13th, as low as -3.5c 12th, the lowest reading so far into Spring; became very warm by day and sunny, an estimated 64 hours sun 11th – 15th; max 23.6c 15th the month's high; a dry spell

17th - 20th a little rain 17th then dry again with sunny intervals; temperatures close to average by day

21st – 25th dry and warm by day with sunny spells; further cold nights though, another air frost 23rd (min -0.1c) being the seventh of the month and a May record

26th - 31st changeable, a little rain or showers at times, rather cloudy, a few sunny intervals; temperatures mainly cool to average, although quite warm 30th..

Total rainfall: 33.9mm (44%)
Wettest day: 12.7mm 8th
Max rain rate: 18.8mm/ hr 26th
Rain days >0.2mm: 13
Wet days >1.0mm: 9
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 1
Longest dry spell: 7 days (18th - 24th)
Mean temperature: 10.3c (-1.3c)
Mean Max: 16.4c (-0.5c)
Mean Min: 4.2c (-2.0c)

High Max: 23.6c 15
Low Max: 11.3c 4
High Min: 13.3c 31
st Low Min: -4.3c 5th = record low for May

Est sun: 160hr (88%)
Max sun: 14.5 hrs 14th
Days no sun: 1

Air frost: 7
Ground frost: 12

Mean RH: 79%
High RH: 100% various
Low RH: 30% 12

Predominant wind direction: WNW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 29mph 31st
Mean pressure: 1018mbar
Max pressure: 1040mbar 13
th = May record
Min pressure: 984mbar 5

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 4
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N NE E SE S SW W NW Calm

Church Lawford rainfall :

Total: 32.8mm (58%)
Wettest day: 11.4mm 7th
Rain days: 14
Over 1mm: 8
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 6 days 20th - 25th


Total: 40.6mm (73%)
Wettest day: 11.4mm 7th
Rain days: 13
Over 1mm: 10
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 9 days 18th - 26th

Spring 2019

Rather wet inspite of the very dry May; rather dull with near average temps

Mean temperature: 9.0c (+0.1c wrt 2006-19 mean). Mild March, rather mild April and a rather cool May. Min -4.3c May 5th! Must be very unusual for the lowest reading of Spring to occur in May!
Total rainfall: 292.9mm, this being 123% of the historical 1916-50 mean for nearby Lampeter and 116% of the 2006-19 mean here. March and April wet, May very dry.
Total estimated sunshine 378 hrs (about 89%). March about average sunshine, April and May rather dull.

Total rainfall: 292.9mm (123%)
Wettest day: 30.2mm April 3rd
Max rain rate: 36.4mm/ he March 12th
Rain days >0.2mm: 49
Wet days >1.0mm: 40
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 8
Longest dry spell: March 23rd - 31st
Mean temperature: 9.0c (+0.1c)
Mean Max: 14.1c (+0.3c)
Mean Min: 3.9c (0.0c)

High Max: 24.9c April 20
Low Max: 5.7c April 3
High Min: 10.9c April 24
Low Min: -4.3c May 5

Est sun: 378 hr (89%)
Max sun: 14.5 hrs
Days no sun: 8

Air frost: 16
Ground frost: 32
Ice days: 0

Mean RH:
High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 29% April 19

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: NA
Mean pressure: 1016mbar
Max pressure: 1040mbar May 13
Min pressure: 981mbar March 6

Days with:

Hail: 4 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 10
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 4
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 7 NE 4 E 14 SE 11 S 5 SW 18 W 15 NW 6 Calm 11

Church Lawford rainfall :

Total: 113.6mm (75%)
Wettest day: 15.0mm March 5th
Rain days: 42
Over 1mm: 36
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 13 days March 19th - 31st


Driest Spring since 2011 (52.8mm)

Total: 133.6mm (86%)
Wettest day: 16.6mm March 5th
Rain days: 39
Over 1mm: 31
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 13 days March 19th - 31st

June 2019


Very wet, rather cool and very dull

A poor month but not devoid of short fine, warm spells

Total rainfall 149.8mm = wettest June since 2012 (218.3mm)
Mean temp 13.7c = coolest June since 2015 (13.3c)
Mean max 18.2c = coolest since 2012 (18.0c)
Total estimated sun 114 hrs = dullest June (previously 127 hrs 2016)

1st warm and humid but mainly cloudy, max 22.2c the highest reading until late in the month

2nd - 6th rather cloudy with some rain or showers, temperatures cool to average; min 13.4c 2nd; fairly sunny 6th after grass frost (min 1.2c)

7th - 16th rather cool to very cool and very wet; often cloudy with spells of rain, heavy at times, rather windy at times; 45.8mm 7th was the wettest June day recorded here (beating 42.0mm 06-06-09); thunder on 10th but no storm as such here; exceptionally cool 11th, max 9.8c a June record (beating 11.7c from 2014 and 2015), it was also another very wet day having 26.5mm

17th - 22nd often dry with sunny spells, temperatures about average, although min 0.7c 22nd so may have been a grass frost

23rd - 25th mostly cloudy with some rain or drizzle at times (manly 23rd) but rather warm

26th - 30th dry and became very warm/ hot and sunny for a time (max 28.8c 28th), virtually unbroken sunshine over 15 hours 27th and 28th; more cloudy less warm end to month

Total rainfall: 149.8mm (220%)
Wettest day: 45.8mm 7th = record
Max rain rate: 49.0mm/ hr 9th
Rain days >0.2mm: 19
Wet days >1.0mm: 17
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 3
Longest dry spell: 5 days 26th - 30th
Mean temperature: 13.7c (-0.6c, wrt 2006-19 average)
Mean Max: 18.2c (-1.4c)
Mean Min: 9.2c (+0.2c)

High Max: 28.8c 28
Low Max: 9.8c 11
th = record
High Min: 15.8c 28
Low Min: 0.7c 22

Est sun: 114 hrs (70%)
Max sun: 15.5 hrs 27th
Days no sun: 2

Air frost: 0
Ground frost: 2

Mean RH: 85%
High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 39% 22

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 29mph 16th
Mean pressure: 1014mbar
Max pressure: 1029mbar 26
Min pressure: 999mbar 7th

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 3
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 6 NE 3 E 2 SE 2 S 3 SW 9 W 3 NW 2 Calm 0

Church Lawford rainfall :

Very wet

Total: 109.6mm (195%)
Wettest day: 26.8mm 12th
Rain days: 17
Over 1mm: 13
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 5 days 19th - 23rd & 26th - 30th


Very wet

Total: 125.4mm (213%)
Wettest day: 25.0mm 12th
Rain days: 17
Over 1mm: 14
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 5 days 26th - 30th

July 2019 summary Llanwnnen

Very dry, quite warm, average sun

Total rainfall 38.3mm = driest July since 2006 (30.4mm), this being 38% of the historical 1916-50 average for Falcondale, Lampeter and 42% of the 2006-19 mean here.
Mean max 21.6c was warm with mean mean min 10.6c about average, overall therefore a rather warm July at mean 16.1c (+0.2c). Temperatures unremarkable bar a couple of very hot days late on.
Estimated sunshine total 170 hours (95%) near average.

1st - 9th mostly dry and sunny at times; temperatures varying from rather cool to warm; very cool night min 1.8c 3rd the lowest July reading since 0.7c of July 2015; sunny spells most days, with near unbroken sunshine 3rd – 5th

11th - 13th rather cloudy, often dry, a little rain and drizzle; rather warm and humid at first then cool (max just 16.1c 13th the lowest of the month), although nights were mild

14th - 16h dry and warm with sunny periods

17th - 22nd unsettled with rain or drizzle at times and a lot of cloud, bulk of the rain 19th ending the prolonged mainly dry spell since late June; temperatures around average; some sunny intervals most days

23rd - 26th two very hot days separated by a merely warm one! Hottest day of Summer max 30.8c 23rd was though only the hottest July day since last year (30.9c July 2nd 2018), plenty of sunshine. Spectacular lightning with distant thunder late evening. Only brief showers early hours 24th which was a cloudier, cooler but warm day, then back to the heat and sunshine briefly 25th (max 29.6c). Min 17.4c 26th was the third warmest night recorded here (after 17.8c 18-7-14 and 17.5c 20-7-16)

27th - 29th dry with sunny spells, average to warm temperatures

30th rather cool (by day) and cloudy with spells of rain for a time, some heavy making it the wettest day of the month (15.3mm) and preventing the driest July

31st some sunny intervals and average temperatures

Total rainfall: 38.3mm (38%)
Wettest day: 15.3mm 30th
Max rain rate: 57.4mm/ hr 20th
Rain days >0.2mm: 11
Wet days >1.0mm: 8
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 2
Longest dry spell: 14 days June 26th – July 9th
Mean temperature: 16.1c (+0.2c wrt 2006-19 average)
Mean Max: 21.6c (+0.7c)
Mean Min: 10.6c (-0.2c)

High Max: 30.8c 23
Low Max: 16.1c 13
High Min: 17.4c 26
Low Min: 1.8c 3

Est sun: 170 hr (95%)
Max sun: 15 hours 5th
Days no sun: 1

Air frost: 0
Ground frost: 0

Mean RH: 84%
High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 40% 25

Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 31mph 21st
Mean pressure: 1017mbar
Max pressure: 1029mbar 3
Min pressure: 1002mbar 30

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Lightning only: 1
Fog: 3
Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 8 NE 1 E 0 SE 0 S 6 SW 7 W 5 NW 1 Calm 3

Church Lawford rainfall, July 2019 :

Total: 61.2mm (102%)
Wettest day: 16.2mm 30th
Rain days: 9
Over 1mm: 8
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 10 days June 25th – July 5th

Bablake, July 2019

Total: 80.0mm (136%)
Wettest day: 35.0mm (wettest July day since 2007 38.1mm)
Rain days: 12
Over 1mm: 9
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 15 days June 25th – July 10th

Thunder: 2
Sun: 176.0 hrs (88%)

August 2019 Llanwnnen

Rather warm and rather dull; average rainfall

Mean temp 16.3c = warmest August recorded (beating 16.2c 2012). However note we have had no especially warm Augusts since moving here in 2005.

Mean max 20.9c = warmest recorded (beating 20.6c 2016).

Mean min 11.7c = only fourth warmest (record 12.1c 2008).

Total rainfall 107.6mm = wettest August since 2015 (108.5mm) this being 99% of the historical Lampeter average from 1916-50 and 109% of 2006-19 mean here.

Total estimated sunhine 131 hours = sunniest August since 2015 (also 131 hours). Still awaiting a sunny August since estimations began 2013.

1st - 8th often dry and warm with sunny intervals; 1st a sunny day while 2nd saw hot sunny periods, max 27.3c; more cloud thereafter with some rain or showers at times; heavy rain late 8th

9th – 22nd unsettled and windy at times; spells of rain or showers, heavy at times, thunder 9th; 27.3mm rainfall 8th (after 2100) was the wettest August day since 15-8-13 (28.5mm). Sunny intervals/ spells between, temperatures cool to average by day, nights variable but often rather warm, min 16.5c 9th highest of the month

23rd - 27th dry and warm to hot with sunny periods; no heatwave here in West Wales cf Midlands but max 28.3c 24th was a new August record (beating 27.9c 05/08/18). The hottest day followed a cool night (min 6.8c). 24th and 25th both saw plentiful sunshine; other days of this spell registered 23 -25c

28th – 31st changeable, some rain or showers with sunny intervals;rather cool to average temperatures by day, nights though mild; Max 17.1c 28th coolest of the month followed by min 3.8c 29th coolest night of the month

Total rainfall: 107.6mm (99%)
Wettest day: 27.3mm 9th
Max rain rate: 51.2mm/ hr 9th
Rain days >0.2mm: 22
Wet days >1.0mm: 17
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 3
Longest dry spell: 4 days July 31st - 3rd & 23rd -26th
Mean temperature: 16.3c (+1.1c)
Mean Max: 20.9c (+1.2c)
Mean Min: 11.7c (+0.9c)

High Max: 28.3c 24
th = Aug record beating 27.9c from last year
Low Max: 17.1c 28
High Min: 16.5c 9
Low Min: 3.8c 29

Est sun: 131 hr (81%)
Max sun: 12 hours 24th
Days no sun: 1

Air frost: 0
Ground frost: 0

Mean RH: 86%
High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 41% 24

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 35mph 9th & 10th
Mean pressure: 1013mbar
Max pressure: 1026mbar 21
Min pressure: 991mbar 9

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 2
Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 0 E 1 SE 3 S 5 SW 12 W 5 NW 2 Calm 2

Church Lawford rainfall August 2019:

Total: 80.2mm (129%)
Wettest day: 23.4mm 8th
Rain days: 15
Over 1mm: 9
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 7 days 20th - 26th

Bablake Aug 2019

Total: 74.0mm (117%)
Wettest day: 15.6mm 8th
Rain days: 17
Over 1mm: 10
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 7 days 20th -26th (we were there much of this fine spell!)

Thunder: 4
Sun: 19

Summer 2019 Llanwnnen

Fairly warm and rather dull; rainfall close to average

Total rainfall: 295.7mm (106%)
Wettest day: 45.8mm June 7th
Max rain rate: 51.2mm/hr 9th
Rain days >0.2mm: 52
Wet days >1.0mm: 42
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 8
Longest dry spell: 26 days June 26th – July 9th
Mean temperature: 15.4c (+0.3c wrt 2006-19 average)
Mean Max: 20.2c (+0.1c)
Mean Min: 10.5c (+0.3c)

High Max: 30.8c July 23
Low Max: 9.8c June 11
High Min: 17.4c July 25
Low Min: +0.7c June 22

Est sun: 414hr (82%)
Max sun: 15.5 hrs June 27th
Days no sun: 4

Air frost: 0
Ground frost: 2/3

Mean RH: 85%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 39% June 22

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 35mph Aug 9th & 10th
Mean pressure: 1015mbar
Max pressure: 1029mbar June 26
th & July 3rd
Min pressure: 991mbar Aug 9

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 3
Fog: 8
Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 15 NE 4 E 3 SE 5 S 14 SW 28 W 13 NW 5 Calm 5

Church Lawford rainfall Summer 2019 :

Total: 251.0mm (141%)
Wettest day: 26.8mm June 12th
Rain days: 41
Over 1mm: 30
Over 10mm: 8
Dry spell: 10 days July 25th – July 5th

Bablake Summer 2019

Total: 279.4mm (147%)
Wettest day: 15.6mm 8th
Rain days: 43
Over 1mm: 33
Over 10mm: 8
Dry spell: 14 days June 26th – July 9th

Thunder: 3
Sun: 523.6 hrs (91%)

September 2019, Llanwnnen

Rather wet with temperatures and sunshine near average

A month of two distinct parts, a benign, often fine and dry first 22 days, then a switch to unsettled and very wet conditions, with 92.4mm falling from 23rd

Total rainfall 134.3mm this being 117% of the historical (1916-50) average for nearby Lampeter and 131% of the 2006-19 mean here

Mean temperature 13.3c (0.0c) = warmest Sept since 2016 (14.5c)
Mean max 18.0c (+0.1c)
Mean min 8.5c (-0.2c)

Estimated sunshine 130 hours = slightly above average

1st - 2nd fine dry start though rather cool, decent sunny spells 1st

3rd -12th changeable and mixed; occasional rain or drizzle with dry, bright intervals; generally cool to average temperatures (max range 16-18c), though rather warm and humid by 11th/ 12th; some days rather windy

13th - 21st high pressure, largely a dry, warm and sunny spell; just a cloudier blip 15th/ 16th (and a little rain latter); temperatures average to warm by day but many nights cool, min 1.1c 18th with a touch of ground frost; 24.9c 21st was warmest of the spell and month; 5 days in the spell had over 11 hours sunshine (virtually unbroken)

22nd – 30th marked Equinoxial change to unsettled and often wet and sometimes rather windy conditions as Atlantic lows took hold; showers and longer spells of rain, heavy at times, some sunny intervals; temperatures by day average to rather warm, nights often very mild; min 15.8c 22nd highest of the month; downpour just after dawn 24th with all-time record rainfall rate of 169.4mm/ hour (srb Vue 2012), it is likely there was thunder with this as sferics were showing close to Lampeter at this time (we were away at WSM); 31.6mm rain 28th was the second wettest September day recorded here (46.6mm 20/9/18)

Total rainfall: 134.3mm (117%)
Wettest day: 31.6mm 28th
Max rain rate: 169.4mm/ hour 0731 24th = all time record for Vue (since 2012)
Rain days >0.2mm: 20
Wet days >1.0mm: 17
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 6
Longest dry spell: 5 days 16th - 20th
Mean temperature: 13.3c (0.0c wrt to 2006-19 average)
Mean Max: 18.0c
Mean Min: 8.5c

High Max: 24.9c 21
Low Max: 15.5c 30
High Min: 15.8c 22
Low Min: 1.1c 18

Est sun: 130 hr (104%)
Max sun: 11.5 hours various dates
Days no sun: 0

Air frost: 0
Ground frost: 2

Mean RH: 89%
High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 48% 18

Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: 41mph 27th
Mean pressure: 1017mbar
Max pressure: 1037mbar 13
Min pressure: 990mbar 29

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1 (likely)
Fog: 3
Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 3 NE 0 E 1 SE 2 S 2 SW 8 W 6 NW 1 Calm 7

Church Lawford rainfall Sept 2019:

Total: 93.4mm (144%)
Wettest day: 29.8mm (28th)
Rain days: 17
Over 1mm: 9
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 4 days various

Bablake, Sept 2019

Total: 109.8mm (185%) cf 94.8mm MO gauge
Wettest day: 33.6mm 28th (cf 29.6mm MO gauge)
Rain days: 18
Over 1mm: 12
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 5 days 16th - 20th

Thunder: 1
Sun: 165.8 hrs (121%)

October 2019


Cool, rather wet and very dull

Mean temperature 9.1c (-1.6c wrt 2006-19) = coolest October recorded here (began 2006) previous coolest 2012 at 9.2c.

Mean max 13.0c (-1.6c) = equal coolest with 2012.

Mean min 5.2c (-1.6c)= second coolest recorded (5.1c in both 2015 and 2018).

Total rainfall 179.1mm this being 125% of the historical 1916-50 Lampeter average and 129% of the 2006-19 mean here.

Total estimated sunshine 56 hours (64%) = dullest October estimated here (began 2013); previously estimated 64 hours in 2013 and 2017.

1st rather warm, min 13.2c max 19.3c both being the highest of the month, some showers

2nd – 12th unsettled with spells of rain or showers, heavy at times; cool to average temperatures, maxima 13 -16c; rather cloudy with some sunny intervals and rather windy at times

13th - 16th drier interlude, mostly cloudy with a few showers, still rather cool

17th -19th rather cool and unsettled with plentiful showers, very heavy and prolonged at times; thunder likely 17th when sferics as close as 6 miles south but we were away, it is also possible there was hail showers but these not witnessed; brief sunny intervals and rather windy

20th – 24th mostly dry with sunny intervals; around average temperatures, some night frosts, with min -0.3c 22nd the first air frost of the Season; some mist and fog too

25th/ 26th very wet; notable rain event of 65.4mm in 36 hours, 60.6mm of this falling within the rainfall day 25th (24 hours to 0900GMT) made it the second wettest day of any month recorded here (80.6mm 12/10/18). The system bringing the rain contained mild, humid air 25th but with a significant drop to day max 7.1c 26th in its wake – easily the lowest reading of the Season to date; notable that this was a short very wet interruption to an otherwise largely dry final third to October. Significant that the two wettest days recorded here have occurred in the last two Octobers.

27th – 31st mostly dry and rather cool with some overnight frosts; min -3.2c 28th lowest of the month; mainly cloudy after a bright 27th.

Total rainfall: 179.1mm (125%)
Wettest day: 60.6mm 25th = second wettest day recorded here (after 80.6mm 12/10/18)
Max rain rate: 134.0mm/ hour 18th
Rain days >0.2mm: 24
Wet days >1.0mm: 21
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 4
Longest dry spell: 4 days 20th - 23rd
Mean temperature: 9.1c (-1.6c wrt 2006-19 mean)
Mean Max: 13.0c (-1.6c)
Mean Min: 5.2c (-1.6c)

High Max: 19.3c 1
Low Max: 7.1c 26
High Min: 13.2c 1
Low Min: -3.2c 28

Est sun: 56 hr (64%)
Max sun: 7 hrs 16th
Days no sun: 4

Air frost: 3
Ground frost: 6

Mean RH: 93%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 61% 2

Predominant wind direction: SSW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: c 42mph 25th
Mean pressure: 1009mbar
Max pressure: 1027mbar 27
Min pressure: 992mbar 18

Days with:

Hail: 0 ? (possibly hail 1 or 2 days while in Cov mid month)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1 (likely, away but sferics as close as Llanllwni 6 miles away)
Fog: 3
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 1 E 4 SE 4 S 4 SW 6 W 4 NW 1 Calm 6

Church Lawford rainfall Oct 2019:

Very wet

Total: 107.6mm (179%)
Wettest day: 21.8mm (25th)
Rain days: 25
Over 1mm: 19
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 3 days 28th -30th

Bablake, Coventry ) Oct 2019


Total: 95.0mm (140%)
Wettest day: 17.6mm (25th)
Rain days: 24
Over 1mm: 18
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 3 days 28th -30th

Thunder: 0
Sun: 91.1 hrs (87%)

November 2019

Wet, rather cold and rather dull

Total rainfall 196.4mm this being 132% of the historical Lampeter 1916-50 average and 121% of the 2006-19 average here .
161.2mm fell in the first 13 days, this being 82% of the total, so the majority of the month was rather dry!
Mean temp 6.0c (-0.9c wrt 2006-19 mean here) = coolest November since 2016 (5.2c)
Mean max 8.8c (-1.4c) = second coolest here (8.2c 2010)
Mean min 3.2c (-0.4c) = coolest since 2016 (1.3c)

Total estimated sunshine 44 hours (82%) = dullest November estimated since 2015 (38 hours)

1st- 3rd rather mild with spells of rain; 38.8mm 2nd being the wettest November day here (beating 35.5mm 13-11-9); sunny spells, drier 3rd; min 10.6c and max 14.2c 1st the highest readings of the month; 972mbar 2nd would appear to be the lowest pressure since 14/2/14 (963mbar)

4th - 8th sunny intervals and showers, a longer spell of rain 6th; average to rather cool temperatures; 8th dry and sunny (estimated 8 hours) with frosty evening

9th - 14th sharp frost, min -5.2c 9th the lowest reading of the month; very unsettled, showers and longer periods of rain, heavy at times with hail 11th ; rain turned to heavy snow on the evening of 13th due to evaporative cooling, putting down 3 or 4cm on grass in just an hour or so; temperatures drpped from 5c 1700 to 0c 1900; a slushy partial covering remained until morning; rather cold/ cold spell with much cloud but some sunny intervals; max 5.1c 14th the lowest of the month

15th - 20th mostly dry, a little rain at times, rather cloudy, a few sunny spells; temperautures close to or a bit below average, some night frosts

21st - 28th unsettled, mostly cloudy with occasional rain or drizzle and a few showers; rather cold soon turned mild

29th - 30th dry, bright and rather cold end to the month with night frosts; plentiful sunshine 29th

Total rainfall: 196.4mm (132%)
Wettest day: 38.8mm 2nd (November record)
Max rain rate: 35.6mm/ hour 6th
Rain days >0.2mm: 24
Wet days >1.0mm: 20
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 7
Longest dry spell: 2 days 17th-18th & 29th -30th
Mean temperature: 6.0c (-0.9c wrt 2006-19 mean)
Mean Max: 8.8c (-1.4c)
Mean Min: 3.2c (-0.4c)

High Max: 14.2c 1st
Low Max: 5.1c 14
High Min: 10.6c 1st
Low Min: -5.2c 9

Est sun: 44 hr (83%)
Max sun: 8 hours 8th
Days no sun: 5

Air frost: 7
Ground frost: 9
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: 93%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 74% 8

Predominant wind direction: ESE
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: c 37mph 26th
Mean pressure: 1000mbar
Max pressure: 1022mbar 30
Min pressure: 972mbar 2
nd = lowest for a number of years

Days with:

Hail: 2 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 2
Fog at 0900: 1
Snow or sleet: 2
Snow lying 0900: 1

0900 WIND: N 7 NE 3 E 3 SE 3 S 2 SW 3 W 2 NW 1 Calm 6

Church Lawford rainfall Nov 2019 :

Total: 120.2mm (200%)
Wettest day: 21.2mm 9th
Rain days: 25
Over 1mm: 20
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 3 days 18th - 20th

Bablake Nov 2019

Total: 127.2mm (203%) = wettest Nov since 1970 (137.1mm)
Wettest day: 18.8mm 9th
Rain days: 25
Over 1mm: 20
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 3 days 18th - 20th

Thunder: 0
Sun: 50.5 hrs (76%)

Autumn 2019 Llanwnnen

Very wet, rather cool and rather dull...

Total rainfall: 509.8mm = second wettest Autumn on record (2018, 528.2mm): this being 125% of the historical average Autumn rainfall at nearby Lampeter (1916-50) and 126% of the 2006-19 Llanwnnen average

First 3 weeks of September fine and dry then often cool, unsettled and wet; second half of November drier; all three months above average rainfall

Mean temperature: 9.5c (-0.9c wrt 2006-19 average)
September average temperatures, October and November then rather cool

Total estimated sunshine: 230 hours (86%)
Average September, very dull October then rather dull November.

Total rainfall: 509.8mm(125%)
Wettest day: 60.6mm Oct 25th
Max rain rate: 169.4mm/hr Sept 24th = record
Rain days >0.2mm: 68
Wet days >1.0mm: 58
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 17
Longest dry spell: 5 days Sept 16th - 20th
Rain rate:
Mean temperature: 9.5c (-0.9c wrt 2006-19)
Mean Max: 13.3c (-1.0c)
Mean Min: 5.6c (-0.8c)

High Max: 24.9c Sept 21
Low Max: 5.1c Nov 14
High Min: 15.8c Sept 22
Low Min: -5.1c Nov 9

Est sun: 230 hr (86%)
Max sun: 11.5 hrs Sept vs dates
Days no sun: 9

Air frost: 10
Ground frost: 17
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: c 92%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 48% Sept 18

Predominant wind direction: south
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: c 42mph Oct 25th
Mean pressure: 1009mbar
Max pressure: 1037mbar Sept 13
Min pressure: 972mbar Nov 2

Days with:

Hail: 2 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 2
Fog: 8
Fog at 0900: 1
Snow or sleet: 2
Snow lying 0900: 1

0900 WIND: N 11 NE 4 E 8 SE 9 S 8 SW 17 W 12 NW 3 Calm 19

Church Lawford rainfall Autumn 2019:

Total: 321.2mm (168%)
Wettest day: 29.8mm Sept 28th
Rain days: 67
Over 1mm: 48
Over 10mm: 11
Dry spell: 4 days Sept various

Bablake Autumn 2019

Total: 332.0mm (175%) = wettest Autumn since 1883
Wettest day: 33.6mm Sept 28th
Rain days: 67
Over 1mm: 50
Over 10mm: 9
Dry spell: 5 days Sept 16th - 20th

Thunder: 1
Sun: 307.4 hrs (100%)

December 2019 Llanwnnen

Rather wet, fairly mild with above average sunshine

Total rainfall: 179.8mm this being 124% of the historical average for nearby Lampeter and 99% of the 2006-19 mean here.

Mean temperature 5.3c (+0.3c wrt 2006-19).

Total estimated sunshine 42 hours being above average.

1st - 4th dry with sunny spells and frosty nights; min -7.7c 2nd which was to be the lowest reading of the month and second lowest reading of the year (after -8.1c Feb 3rd).

5th - 10th mild, windy and unsettled with spells of rain, heavy at times; min 9.8c 6th and max 11.6c 10th both the highest readings of the month 8th/ 9th drier brighter interlude with frost evening of latter.

11th – 16th continued unsettled but with average to quite cold temperatures, showers and some longer spells of rain and often windy; some slight night frosts when wind eased enough; a few sunny intervals

17th dry, frost, fog to sunny afternoon, very cold max 2.6c = lowest of the month.

18th – 26th unsettled, showers and some longer spells of rain; 31.8mm 18th being the wettest day of the month; average to mild temps; rather cloudy, but a dry, bright Christmas Day

27th - 31st a dry and mild/ very mild but cloudy end to the year

Total rainfall: 179.8mm (124%)
Wettest day: 31.8mm 18th
Max rain rate: 36.6mm/ hr 19th
Rain days >0.2mm: 22
Wet days >1.0mm: 19
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 7
Longest dry spell: 5 days Nov 29th to Dec 3rd & 27th - 31st
Mean temperature: 5.3c (+0.3c wrt 2006-19)
Mean Max: 8.1c (+0.3c)
Mean Min: 2.5c (+0.3c)

High Max: 11.6c 10
Low Max: 2.6c 17
High Min: 9.8c 6
Low Min: -7.7c 2

Est sun: 42hr (114%)
Max sun: 6.5 hrs 1st
Days no sun: 6

Air frost: 9
Ground frost: 12
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: 94%
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 68% 14

Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed: NA
Max gust: c 46mph 10th
Mean pressure: 1007mbar
Max pressure: 1034mbar 2nd
Min pressure: 971mbar 21st

Days with:

Hail: 4 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 3
Fog at 0900: 1
Snow or sleet: 2
Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 0 NE 0 E 4 SE 0 S 7 SW 6 W 5 NW 1 Calm 8

Church Lawford rainfall Dec 2019 :

Total: 73.8mm (130%)
Wettest day: 12.2mm 12th
Rain days: 20
Over 1mm: 14
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 3 days 1st -3rd

Bablake Dec 2019

Total: 83.6mm (136%)
Wettest day: 13.4mm 12th
Rain days: 20
Over 1mm: 14
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 5 days 27th -31st

Thunder: 0
Sun: 63.2 hrs (113%)

2019 Llanwnnen

Rather mild, wet and rather dull

Total rainfall 1458.7mm = wettest year since 2014 (1526.7mm), this being 111% of the historical average for nearby Lampeter but only 106% of the 2006-19 mean here.

Mean temp 9.8c = close to average.

Total est sun 1195hrs = rather dull.

Total rainfall: 1458.7mm
Wettest day: 60.6mm Oct 25th
Max rain rate: 169.4mm/ hour Sept 24th
Rain days >0.2mm: 230
Wet days >1.0mm: 184
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 46
Longest dry spell: 14 days June 26th – July 9th
Mean temperature: 9.8c (0.0c wrt 2006-19)
Mean Max: 14.0c (0.0c)
Mean Min: 5.5c (-0.1c)

High Max: 30.8c July 23
Low Max: 1.0c Jan 4
High Min: 17.4c July 26
Low Min: -8.1c Feb 3

Est sun: 1195hr (89%)
Max sun: 15.5 hours June 27th
Days no sun: 41

Air frost: 55
Ground frost: 91
Ice days: 0

Mean RH: NA c 89% est
High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 26% Feb 25

Predominant wind direction:
Mean wind speed: NA faulty
Max gust: c 57mph March 3rd
Mean pressure: 1014mbar
Max pressure: 1045mbar Jan 2
nd = record high
Min pressure: 971mbar Dec 21

Days with:

Hail: 18 (5)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 7
L only 1
Fog: 34
Fog at 0900: 3
Snow or sleet: 12
Snow lying 0900: 2

0900 WIND: N 36 NE 14 E 30 SE 30 S 41 SW 80 W 53 NW 19 Calm 62

Church Lawford rainfall 2019:

Total: 827.0mm (123%)
Wettest day: 29.8mm Sept 28th
Rain days: 192
Over 1mm: 135
Over 10mm: 24
Dry spell: 13 days March 19th - 31st

Bablake 2019 (BWS)

Total: 886.2mm (128%)
Wettest day: 33.4mm July 30th
Rain days: 198
Over 1mm: 140
Over 10mm: 24
Dry spell: 13 days March 19th -31st

Thunder: 10
Sun: 1600.2 hrs (104%)

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