Sunday, 7 January 2024

2023 monthly and seasonal summaries


2023 monthly and seasonal summaries

January 2023


Fairly mild and wet and quite sunny:

Total rainfall 203.8mm = wettest since Jan 2016 (217.6mm) this being 142% of the historical average for nearby Lampeter and 133% of the 2006 – 23 average here.

Just 8.7mm in the last 13 days.

Hail not snow lay on 5 successive days.

Total est sun 53 hours = sunniest Jan since 2017 (62 hours).

Mean temperature: 4.7c (+0.3c wrt 2006-23).

Note: mean max, min and daily all identical to Jan 2022! This has not happened before for all 3 to be the same in any other year let all successive years.

1st - 15th unsettled with showers or longer wet spells, some very heavy downpours, hail at times, thunder 2 days (likely from nearby sferics while we were away 1st & audible 7th); mostly cloudy with a few sunny intervals; often rather windy but no gales; temperatures between average and very mild; max 11.8c 3rd highest reading of the month followed by min 10.7c the mildest night; a few slight frosts.

16th - 22nd cold and frosty, sunny at times; drier although plentiful hail showers 17th & 18th which gave a 3cm covering that lasted for 5 days; min -7.6c then max 1.9c 17th both coldest of the month; unbroken 7.5

hours sun 20th.

23rd – 28th mostly dry with little wind but rather cloudy (exceptions being some rain 25th and a largely sunny 26th); temperatures by day between rather cold and rather mild; frost most nights.

29th - 31st rather mild with sunny spells, just a little rain at times.

Total rainfall: 203.8mm (142% Falc)

Wettest day: 36.9mm 11th

Max rain rate: 117.6mm/ hr 1st
Rain days >0.2mm: 23
Wet days >1.0mm: 20
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 10

Longest dry spell: 4 days 20th - 23rd

Mean temperature: 4.7c (+0.3c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 7.7c (+0.5c)

Mean Min: 1.8c (+0.1c)

High Max: 11.8c 3
Low Max: 1.9c 17
High Min: 10.7c 4
Low Min: -7.6c 17

Air frost: 11

Ground frost: 16

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 53 hr (121%)

Max sun: 7.5 hours 20th

Days no sun: 7

Mean RH: 93%

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 61% 16

Predominant wind direction: Calm/ SW
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: c 45mph 10th

Mean pressure: 1014mbar
Max pressure: 1041 mbar 24
Min pressure: 985mbar 8

Days with:

Hail: 8 (2)

Hail lying 0900: 5 (successive days)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 2
Fog: 3

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 3

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 0 E 0 SE 0 S 5 SW 7 W 5 NW 2 Calm 11

Church Lawford rainfall Jan 2023 :

Near average rainfall

Total: 51.4mm (92%)

Wettest day: 11.0mm 11th

Rain days: 18

Over 1mm: 10

Over 10mm: 2

Dry spell: 5 days 15th - 19th

Bablake Jan 2023

Near average rainfall

Total: 59.8mm (100%)

Wettest day: 12.6mm 11th

Rain days: 19

Over 1mm: 10

Over 10mm: 2

Dry spell: 3 days 15th - 17th

Thunder: 0

S 1 SL 1

Sun: 88.7 hrs (139%)

February 2023


Very dry and mild; quite sunny.

Total rainfall 22.2mm = driest Feb recorded (2009 28.1mm) historically though Feb 1986 (0mm) the only completely dry month seen in the area. This being 22% of the historical Lampeter average and 18% of 2006-23 here.

Days were very mild on average, nights nearer average.

Mean temperature 5.6c (+0.6c wrt 2006-23)

Mean max 9.6c (+1.3c)

Mean min 1.6c (0.0c)

Total estimated sun 77 hours = sunniest since 2019 (98 hrs)

1st - 4th cloudy just a little rain or drizzle at times; mild or very mild.

5th - 10th mostly dry with sunny periods (cloudy 10th); average to rather mild temperatures by day with frosty nights; little wind.

11th - 14th dry and mild, cloudy at first then sunny periods with an unbroken 9 hours 13th; one more frosty night 13th; exceptionally mild 15.0c 14th highest reading of the month.

15th - 21st mild or very mild; rather cloudy with a little rain or drizzle at times; some sunny intervals; min 9.7c 17th & 18th highest of the month.

22nd colder with occasional rain or showers, one distant rumble of thunder heard to SW early evening; max 6.4c 'coldest' day of the month.

23rd - 28th became dry after some drizzle with sunny spells (mostly cloudy 27th /28th); frosty nights and around average days. Min -6.2c 27th coldest reading of the month.

Total rainfall: 22.2mm (22% Falc) = driest Feb srb 2006

Wettest day: 8.6mm 22nd

Max rain rate: 12.6mm/ hour 22nd
Rain days >0.2mm: 15
Wet days >1.0mm: 5
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 0

Longest dry spell: 6 days 9th - 14th

Mean temperature: 5.6c (+0.6c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 9.6c (+1.3c)

Mean Min: 1.7c (0.0c)

High Max: 15.0c 14
Low Max: 6.4c 22
High Min: 9.7c 17
th & 18th
Low Min: -6.2c 27

Air frost: 11

Ground frost: 14

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 77 hr (120%)

Max sun: 9 hours 13th

Days no sun: 4

Mean RH: 92%

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 41% 14

Predominant wind direction: Calm/ west
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: c 35mph 18th

Mean pressure: 1029mbar (highest since...see Notes)
Max pressure: 1048mbar 5
Min pressure: 1010mbar 22

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1 (single rumble)
Fog: 1

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 0

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 2 E 0 SE 0 S 2 SW 3 W 5 NW 2 Calm 13

Church Lawford rainfall Feb 2023:

Very dry

Total: 6.8mm (17%)

Wettest day: 4.2mm 21st

Rain days: 8

Over 1mm: 3

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 8 days Jan 30th – Feb 6th

Bablake Feb 2023

Very dry and sunny and very mild

Total: 7.6mm (17%)

Wettest day: 2.6mm 21st

Rain days: 7

Over 1mm: 2

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 9 days Jan 30th – Feb 7th

Thunder: 0

Sun:110.5 hrs (132%)

Winter 2022/23


Temperatures and rainfall near average; quite sunny

December rather cold, sunny and rather dry

January rather mild, wet and quite sunny

February very dry, mild and quite sunny

Mean temperature 4.4c (-0.4c wrt 2006-23).

Total estimated sunshine 181 hours (118% 2014-23) = sunniest estimated so far.

Total rainfall 361.7mm this being 93% of the historical Lampeter average but only 79% of the 2006 – 2023 average here (illustrating that Winter has became a wetter Season this century).

Lack of strong winds notable with no stormy spells.

Total rainfall: 361.7mm (93%)

Wettest day: 36.9mm Jan 11th

Max rain rate: 117.6mm/ hr Jan 1st
Rain days >0.2mm: 58
Wet days >1.0mm: 42
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 15

Longest dry spell: 6 days Feb 9th - 14th

Mean temperature: 4.4c (-0.4c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 7.8c (0.0c)

Mean Min: 0.9c (-0.9c)

High Max: 15.0c Feb 14
Low Max: -1.8c Dec 15
High Min: 11.4c Dec 19
Low Min: -13.3c Dec 16

Air frost: 38

Ground frost: 49

Ice days: 4 (on successive Dec days)

Est sun: 181 hr (118%)

Max sun: 9 hours Feb 13th (Dexter welcome!)

Days no sun: 19

Mean RH: 94%

High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 41% Feb 14

Predominant wind direction: SW/ calm
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: c 50mph Dec 19th

Mean pressure: 1018mbar
Max pressure: 1048mbar Feb 5
Min pressure: 985mbar Dec 30
th & Jan 8th

Days with:

Hail: 12 (2)

Hail lying: 5
Gale: 0
Thunder: 3
Fog: 8

Fog at 0900: 1

Snow or sleet: 7

Snow lying 0900: 1

0900 WIND: N 2 NE5 E 0 SE 1 S13 SW 18 W 11 NW 4 Calm 36

Church Lawford rainfall Winter 2022/23:

Very dry

Total: 103.4mm (68%)

Wettest day: 12.6mm Jan 11th

Rain days: 43

Over 1mm: 22

Over 10mm: 3

Dry spell: 8 days Dec 10th - 17th & Dec 30th – Feb 6th

Bablake Winter 2022/23

Dry and sunny, quite mild

Total: 129.4mm (78%)

Wettest day: 13.2mm Dec 19th

Rain days: 51

Over 1mm: 24

Over 10mm: 3

Dry spell: 9 days Jan 30th – Feb 7th

Thunder: 0

Sun: 266.1 hrs (127%)

March 2023


Exceptionally dull and very wet; fairly mild

Total rainfall 199.2mm = wettest March (srb 2006) beating 167.9mm in 2008; this being 240% of the historical Lampeter average but just 190% of the 2006-23 average here (averages 83mm and 104.8mm respectively).

Total estimated sunshine 39 hours = dullest estimated (82 hours 2017) so March 2023 half of the previous dullest and below half the average for March.

Mean temp 6.8c (+0.4c wrt 2006-23).

Mean max 9.8c coolest since 2018 (8.1c)

Mean min 3.8c mildest since 2019 (3.8c).

In spite of the first 11 days average 0c the month ended up slightly above average due to mild, cloudy nights.

1st - 4th average temperatures at first became rather cold; mostly cloudy, (except a sunny pm 2nd); severe frost min -8.1c 3rd lowest reading of the month.

5th - 11th often rather cold/ cold with showers or longer spells of rain, sleet or snow (no snow lying 0900 though); much cloud but some sunny intervals; max 2.7c 8th coldest day of the month; milder after frost 11th.

12th - 24th mostly mild and unsettled; windy at times with showers or longer spells of rain, heavy at times; rather cloudy, some sunny intervals; min 9.2c 13th & 16th mildest nights of the month and max 13.6c 17th mildest day.

25th - 27th drier interlude, just a little rain at times; still mild with sunny intervals (sunny periods 27th).

28th - 31st unsettled again to end the month with further spells of rain or showers, heavy at times; 21.1mm 29th wettest day of the month; very mild nights and rather mild days; rather windy at times. c 47mm falling in the final 3 days (including c14mm on April 1st midnight to 10am BST)

Total rainfall: 199.2mm (240% Falc)

Wettest day: 21.1mm 30th

Max rain rate: 51.4mm/ hr 22nd
Rain days >0.2mm: 25
Wet days >1.0mm: 24
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 8

Longest dry spell: 3 days 2nd - 4th

Mean temperature: 6.8c (+0.4c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 9.8c (-0.9c)

Mean Min: 3.8c (+1.8c)

High Max: 13.6c 17
Low Max: 2.7c 8
High Min: 9.2c 13
th & 16th
Low Min: -8.1c 3

Air frost: 6

Ground frost: 8

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 39 hr (42%)

Max sun: 7 hours 27th

Days no sun: 10

Mean RH: 91%

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 52% 27

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: est 50 mph 13th

Mean pressure: 1007mbar
Max pressure: 1035mbar 1st
Min pressure: 981 mbar 31st

Days with:

Hail: 1
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 1 (0)

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 4

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 3 E 2 SE 1 S 6 SW 7 W 3 NW 2 Calm 6

Church Lawford rainfall March 2023:

Very wet

Total: 99.4mm (221%)

Wettest day: 19.6mm 9th

Rain days: 27

Over 1mm: 20

Over 10mm: 2

Dry spell: 3 days 2nd - 4th

Bablake March 2023

Exceptionally wet

Only March 1947 wetter (

Total: 125.2mm (266%)

Wettest day: 25.6mm 9th

Rain days: 27

Over 1mm: 19

Over 10mm: 3

Dry spell: 3 days 2nd - 4th

Thunder: 1

Sun: 82.9 hrs (66%)

April 2023


Rather wet and rather dull; temperatures near average

Total rainfall 81.9mm = wettest since 2019 (106.7mm) although close to the historical local average (77mm) it was 134% of the 2006-23 average here.

Total estimated sun 123 hours = dullest since 2019 (119 hours)

1st - 4th wet night 1st then dry; sunny intervals 1st, cloudy 2nd, near unbroken 12 hours 3rd, sunny spells 4th; temperatures average to mild by day, slight overnight frosts.

5th - 6th rather cool with rain or showers at times; cloud 5th to sunny spells 6th.

7th - 9th mostly dry and mild with sunny spells; slight frosts 7th & 8th.

10th – 14th often cool and unsettled, very windy at times 11th/ 12th (estimated gusts 50mph); max 8.0c 12th likely coolest day of the month; especially wet and windy 11th/ 12th when some 44mm fell??; hint of sleet 12th ; sunny periods 13th otherwise sunny intervals.

15th - 20th became mostly dry and mild/ rather warm with sunny periods (cloudy 16th/ 17th with little rain and drizzle former); near unbroken 12.5 hours 20th .

21st – 24th rather cool/ average; sunny intervals and some rain or showers.

25th - 28th mainly dry with sunny intervals; temperatures about average, however frost 25th min -2.4c coldest reading of the month; A little rain at times 27th which was a cloudy day. Warmer 28th.

29th/ 30th max 20.1c 29th with sunny spells, warmest of the month, indeed the first proper warm day of Spring to date; last day early rain, cloud late sunny intervals, rather warm.

Total rainfall: 81.9mm (106% Falc & 134% Lwn)

Wettest day: 19.9mm 11th

Max rain rate: 35.6mm/ hr 10th
Rain days >0.2mm: 19
Wet days >1.0mm: 15
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 2

Longest dry spell: 3 days various

Mean temperature: 8.4c (-0.3c)

Mean Max: 13.6c (-0.6c)

Mean Min: 3.3c (+0.1c)

High Max: 20.1c 29th
Low Max: 8.0c 12
High Min: 9.9c 28
Low Min: -2.4c 25

Air frost: 5

Ground frost: 10

Est sun: 123 hr (82%)

Max sun: 12.5 hours 20th

Days no sun: 3

Mean RH: 86%

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 38% 13

Predominant wind direction: variable/ calm
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: c 50mph 11th & 12th

Mean pressure: 1016mbar
Max pressure: 1031mbar 3
Min pressure: 982mbar 12

Days with:

Hail: 2
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 2

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 1 (hint of sleet in rain 12th)

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 0 NE 3 E 1 SE 4 S 3 SW 3 W 2 NW 3 Calm 11

Church Lawford rainfall April 2023:

Average rainfall

Total: 49.0mm (98%)

Wettest day: 7.0mm 9th

Rain days: 16

Over 1mm: 13

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 3 days various

Bablake April 2023

Rather wet

Total: 62.9mm (121%)

Wettest day: 9.0mm 22nd

Rain days: 20

Over 1mm: 14

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 3 days various

Thunder: 0

Sun: 160 hours (101%)

May 2023


Very dry, sunny and rather warm

Total rainfall 19.3mm = driest May since 2020 (8.9mm which is driest of any month here)this being 25% of the historical local average and 24% of the 2006-23 here.

Total est sun 257 hours (141%) = sunniest month since May 2020 ( 271 hours).

Mean temperature 11.9c (+0.4c).

Mean max 18.5c.

Mean min 5.3c so it was a warm month by day and a little cool by night.

1st - 3rd dry with sunny interval (sunny periods 3rd); warm 2nd & 3rd.

4th - 8th unsettled, spells of rain or showers with sunny intervals; rather warm, cooler 8th; rather windy at first.

9th -11th dodged the showers but thunder heard 9th and from the forestry 11th; sunny spells, rather warm to average.

12th - 13th dry and warm with sunny periods; 13th very warm with almost unbroken 14 hours sunshine and max 22.7c.

14th – 19th mostly dry with sunny periods (excepting a little rain 14th); temperatures varying between rather cool (max 13.5c 15th coolest day of the month) and warm; chilly nights, min 0.2c 17th, ground frost and the coldest reading of the month. Mist or fog to start on some mornings.

20th – 31st dry and mostly sunny, average to very warm temperatures; 15 hours unbroken bright sunshine on 3 days in the last week; max 24.4c 30th the highest reading of the month.

Total rainfall: 19.3mm (25% Falc)

Wettest day: 8.9mm 7th

Max rain rate: 12.0mm/ hr 8th
Rain days >0.2mm: 5
Wet days >1.0mm: 4
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 0

Longest dry spell: 17 days 15th - 31st

Mean temperature: 11.9c (+0.4c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 18.5c (+1.5c)

Mean Min: 5.3c (-0.8c)

High Max: 24.4c 30
Low Max: 13.5c 15
High Min: 11.6c 9
Low Min: 0.2c 17

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 4

Est sun: 257 hr (141%)

Max sun: 15 hours various dates

Days no sun: 0

Mean RH: 84%

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 24% 27

Predominant wind direction: NW/ calm
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: c 35mph 4th

Mean pressure: 1023mbar
Max pressure: 1033 mbar 26
Min pressure: 1007mbar 4th

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1 or 2 (second day heard from east of forestry 4 miles away, so possibly audible)
Fog: 5

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 0

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N1 NE 2 E 3 SE 2 S 1 SW 3 W 3 NW 6 Calm 10

Church Lawford rainfall May 2023:


Total: 33.4mm (59%)

Wettest day: 8.2mm 8th

Rain days: 8

Over 1mm: 6

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 20 days 12th - 31st

Bablake May 2023


Total: 33.0mm (59%)

Wettest day: 8.0mm 8th

Rain days: 10

Over 1mm: 7

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 12 days 20th - 31st

Thunder: 2

Sun: 216.2 hrs (110%)

Spring 2023


Rather wet with temps and sunshine near average

Total rainfall 300.4mm: this being 127% historical average and 122% of 2006-23 here. A Rather wet Spring due to very wet March, then April slightly wet, May very dry.

Total est sun 419 hours (98%) and so average: March exceptionally dull, April rather dull, May sunny.

Mean temperature 9.0c (+0.1c wrt 2006-23). March rather mild, April near average and May quite warm.

Total rainfall: 300.4mm (127% Falc)

Wettest day: 21.1mm March 29th

Max rain rate: 51.4mm/ hour March 22nd
Rain days >0.2mm: 49
Wet days >1.0mm: 43
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 10

Longest dry spell: 17 days May 15th - 31st

Mean temperature: 9.0c (+0.1c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 13.9c

Mean Min: 4.1c

High Max: 24.4c May 30
Low Max: 2.7c March 8
High Min: 11.6c May 9
Low Min: -8.1c March 3

Air frost: 11

Ground frost: 22

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 419 hr (98%)

Max sun: 15 hours various May

Days no sun: 13

Mean RH: 87%

High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 24% May 27

Predominant wind direction: SW/ calm

Max est gust: 50 mph various dates

Mean pressure: 1015mbar
Max pressure: 1035mbar March 1
Min pressure: 981mbar March 31

Days with:

Hail: 3
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1 or 2
Fog: 8

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 5

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 2 NE 8 E 6 SE 7 S 10 SW 13 W 8 NW 11 Calm 27

Church Lawford rainfall Spring 2023:

Rather wet

Total: 181.8mm (120%)

Wettest day: 19.6mm March 9th

Rain days: 51

Over 1mm: 39

Over 10mm: 2

Dry spell: 20 days May 12th - 31st

Bablake Spring 2023


Total: 221.1mm (143%)

Wettest day: 25.6mm March 9th

Rain days: 57

Over 1mm: 40

Over 10mm: 3

Dry spell: 12 days May 20th -31st

Thunder: 3

Sun: 459.1 hours (95%)

Llanwnnen June 2023

Very warm, dry and very sunny

Mean temp 17.0c = June record high (beating 15.8c 2018). Only 3 warmer months (all July with the warmest 17.7c July 2006).

Mean maxima 23.8c = June record (beating 22.5c 2018). Only July 2018 (24.7c) and July 2013 (23.9c) warmer months by day.

Mean minima 10.1c = warmest since 2017 (10.4c)

Total rainfall 35.4mm = driest for just 2 years (22.0mm June 2021). Absolute drought of 27 days the longest recorded here. Partial drought 39 days (6.4mm) to May 9th to June 16th (second longest).

Total estimated sunshine 236 hours (145%) = sunniest June since 2018 (260 hours).

Warmest June on record nationally since nineteenth century.

1st - 9th dry, very sunny, warm or very warm with cool nights; almost unbroken sunshine, 3 days 15.5 hours; 99 hours first week of June; maxima 22 – 25c (27.1c 9th), nights as low as 3.3c (3rd);

10th - 12th cloudier, sunny intervals, still warm/ very warm and with milder nights; some rain or showers with thunder 12th; 27 day absolute drought ended 10th (longest recorded here beating 22 days Sept 2014).)

13th - 16th very hot, mostly dry with sunny periods; each day reached above 27c, peak 30.4c 13th (thus ending the June 13th anomaly); just some showers late afternoon 15th.

Mid month stats: rainfall just 5.0mm; mean max 25.5c, MT 16.9c unprecedented for June; sun 175 hours unprecedented as is 352 hours past non calendar month (May 16th – June 15th). Partial drought 39 days (6.4mm) to 16th (second longest).

17th – 22nd more unsettled but warm still; some rain or showers, thunder evening 17th with heavy downpours ending the 39 day partial drought (second longest recorded here); rather cloudy but sunny pm 19th. Thunder again but not overhead 20th. Dry, warm and sunny 22nd.

23rd the coolest, dullest day of the month to date, max 18.6c with nil sunshine and occasional light rain or drizzle.

24th - 26th from the coolest day of the month to the warmest June night recorded here, min 17.1c 24th beating 16.1c from 2017 (25th min 16.7c also beating the record); warm with sunny spells and often dry, just a few brief showers.

27th 30th often cloudy with rain or drizzle on and off, temperatures mostly around average by day; 29th though sunny pm; 28th min 16.5c being the third night in a week topping the previous June record warm night but then 30th max 16.9c coolest day of the month.

Total rainfall: 34.5mm (62% Falc and 41% 2006-23 here note 123% difference in average sets)

Wettest day: 7.2mm 17th

Max rain rate: 99.4mm/ hr 17th
Rain days >0.2mm: 16
Wet days >1.0mm: 11
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 0

Longest dry spell: 27 days May 15th – June 10th = record.

Longest partial drought: 39 days May 9th to June 16th (second longest)

Mean temperature: 17.0c (+2.6c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 23.8c (+4.0c)

Mean Min: 10.1c (+1.2c)

High Max: 30.4c 13
Low Max: 16.9c 30
High Min: 17.1c 24
th (June record)
Low Min: 3.3c 3

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 0

Est sun: 236 hr (145%)

Max sun: 15.5 hours 3rd - 5th inc

Days no sun: 3

Mean RH:

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 28% 14

Predominant wind direction: east
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: 30mph 25th

Mean pressure: 1018 mbar
Max pressure: 1027mbar 1
Min pressure: 1006mbar 30

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 3
Fog: 4

Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 0 NE 3 E 8 SE 1 S 4 SW 4 W 4 NW 3 Calm 3

Church Lawford rainfall June 2023

Rather wet

Total: 73.4mm (131%)

Wettest day: 34.0mm 11th (most in one hour)

Rain days: 9

Over 1mm: 6

Over 10mm: 3

Dry spell: 30 days May 12th – June 10th

Kings Newnham (EA)

Rather dry

Total rainfall: 43.6mm

Wettest day: 13.8mm 18th

Bablake June 2023

Rather wet

Total: 67.2mm (114%)

Wettest day: 27.6mm 11th

Rain days: 10

Over 1mm: 7

Over 10mm: 2

Dry spell: 22 days May 20th – June 10th

Thunder: 2

Sun: 241.1 hrs (126%)

July 2023


Very dull and very wet with temperatures near average:

Total rainfall 158.6mm = wettest July since 2009 (213.3mm = wettest July).

171% of the 2006-23 average here and 152% of the historical local average (from Falcondale, Lampeter). Rainfall modest until 14th which had 25.4mm and was the wettest day since January then with a wet second half.

Total est sun 91 hours = dullest July seb 2013 (beating 106 hrs in 2016). Second dullest Summer month (85 hours Aug 2020). The monthly total being less than the first week of June which had 99 hours.

Mean temperature 15.3c = slightly under the 2006-23 average (15.8c).

Just one day above 22c, most days in the 17 – 22c range; 25.8c 7th being the only really warm, sunny day of the month) nothing especially cool either.

1st - 6th changeable, some rain or showers, sunny intervals, cool to average temperatures, quite windy at times.

7th - 9th briefly very warm and sunny 7th, max 25.8c likely highest of the month and then the warmest night of the month (min 16.3c 8th); little rain or drizzle or a few showers (thunder heard afternoon 9th); cloudy 8th then sunny spells 9th; rather warm and humid.

10th - 18th unsettled and rather cloudy, some sunny intervals with rain or showers at times; 25.4mm 14th the wettest day since January and of the month; temperatures rather cool or average.

19th - 21st mainly dry interlude with some sunny spells; near average temperatures felt warm in the sun.

22nd a dull wet day 32mm midnight to midnight.

23rd – 25th changeable, some rain or showers but also dry interludes with sunny spells; rather cool to average temperatures but feeling rather warm in sun.

26th - 31st unsettled and rather cloudy, showers or longer spells of rain; temperatures ranging from cool (min 3.2c and max 16.4c 26th both coolest of the month) to rather warm (mild nights from 27th range 13c to 15c).

Total rainfall: 158.6mm (152% Falc)

Wettest day: 25.4mm 14th

Max rain rate: 120.0mm/hr 15th
Rain days >0.2mm: 24
Wet days >1.0mm: 20
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 6

Longest dry spell: 2 days 19th - 20th

Mean temperature: 15.3c (-0.5c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 19.5c (-1.4c)

Mean Min: 11.1c (+0.3c)

High Max: 25.8c 7
Low Max: 16.4c 26
High Min: 16.3c 8
Low Min: 3.2c 26

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 0

Est sun: 91 hr (51%) = dullest July

Max sun: 11.5 hours 7th

Days no sun: 2

Mean RH: 88%

High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 48% 7

Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: c 35mph vs

Mean pressure: 1011mbar
Max pressure: 1021mbar 17
Min pressure: 994mbar (15th)

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1 (possibly 2 days as sole sferic Pumpsaint 9 miles away 4th while we were away)
Fog: 1

Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 0 NE 0 E 0 SE 2 S 7 SW 10 W 6 NW 3 Calm 3

Church Lawford rainfall July 2023

Very wet

Total: 91.2mm (152%)

Wettest day: 15.0mm 8th & 26th

Rain days: 18

Over 1mm: 13

Over 10mm: 4

Dry spell: 3 days various dates

King's Newnham (EA)


Total rainfall: 82.8mm

Wettest day: 14.2mm 26th

Bablake July 2023

Very wet

Total: 97.0mm (170%)

Wettest day: 15.8mm 14th

Rain days: 21

Over 1mm: 14

Over 10mm: 4

Dry spell: 4 days 4th - 7th

Thunder: 3

Sun: 157.0 hours (78%)

August 2023


Dull and rather wet; average temperatures

Total rainfall 137.9mm this being 126% of the historical average from Lampeter and 135% of the 2006-23 average here. Most rain days and wet days (srb 2013).

Total est sun 86 hours this being approx 53% of the local average as judged from Met Office mapped averages (162 hours) but 70% of the average of August estimations since 2013 here (average 123 hours 2013 – 2023).

Mean temperature 15.5c (+0.1c)

1st - 8th modest rainfall early in the month although rather unsettled, rain or showers at times, often breezy, sunny intervals; cool to average.

9th - 11th mainly dry and warm with sunny spells; max 25.6c 10th highest of the month.

13th - 14th 26.1mm 13th; sunny intervals near average temperatures.

15th - 17th 3 days and the longest dry spell since early June; warm with sunny spells.

18th -23rd min 16.0c 18th warmest night of the month with heavy rain evening and strong winds overnight courtesy of named storm Betty; thereafter some occasional rain or showers and rather cloudy (excepting quite a sunny 20th); average to rather warm temperature- wise.

24th - 25th cooler but mainly dry and some sunshine 24th; min 4.0c coolest night of the month.

26th – 31st a mainly cloudy and cool end to Summer, nothing much above 17c in these final 6 days; 27th frequent showers, very heavy and prolonged at times yielding 27.2mm wettest day of the month; very cool 27th max 15.9c the coolest day of the month; last 4 days occasional light rain or drizzle.

Total rainfall: 137.9mm (126% Falc)

Wettest day: 27.2mm 26th

Max rain rate: 61mm/hr 26th
Rain days >0.2mm: 24
Wet days >1.0mm: 20

Days of heavy rain >10mm: 5

Longest dry spell: 3 days 15th - 17th

Mean temperature: 15.5c (+0.1c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 19.4c (-0.5c)

Mean Min: 11.6c (+0.8c)

High Max: 25.6c 10
Low Max:
15.9c 27th
High Min: 16.0c 18
Low Min: 4.0c 25

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 0

Est sun: 86 hr (53%)

Max sun: 8 hours 16th

Days no sun: 3

Mean RH: 90 %

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 56% 16

Predominant wind direction: SW

Max gust: 40mph 19th

Mean pressure: 1011mbar
Max pressure: 1023mbar 21
Min pressure: 984 mbar 2nd

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 3

Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 0 E 1 SE 4 S 3 SW 8 W 4 NW 5 Calm 5

Church Lawford rainfall Aug 2023


Total: 36.4mm (59%)

Wettest day: 7.4mm 13th

Rain days: 12

Over 1mm: 9

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 6 days 19th - 24th

King's Newnham (EA)

Total rainfall: 34.0mm

Wettest day: 6.2mm (29th)

Bablake Aug 2023

Rather dry

Total: 42.0mm (67%)

Wettest day: 7.8mm 4th

Rain days: 14

Over 1mm: 9

Over 10mm: 0

Dry spell: 7 days 19th - 25th

Thunder: 5

Sun: 167.8 hrs

Summer 2023


Rather warm, rather dull and rather wet

June exceptionally warm, very dry and sunny.

July in contrast very dull, very wet with near normal temperatures.

August dull and rather wet with average temperatures.

Mean temperature 15.9c (+0.7c wrt 2006-23) = warmest Summer since 2016 (16.2c) and the second warmest srb 2006; most unusual that both July and August were cooler than the preceding June.

Total rainfall 331.0mm the wettest Summer since 2020 (453mm); this being 119% of both the historical local average and the 2006-23 average here.

Total estimated sun: 413 hours (82%).

Total rainfall: 331.0mm (119% Falc)

Wettest day: 27.2mm August 26th

Max rain rate: 120mm/hr July 15th
Rain days >0.2mm: 64
Wet days >1.0mm:
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 11

Longest dry spell: 27 days May 15th – June 10th after which longest just 3 days Aug 15th - 17th.

Mean temperature: 15.9c +0.7c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 20.9c (+0.7c)

Mean Min: 10.9c (+0.7c)

High Max: 30.4c June 13th
Low Max: 15.9c Aug 27
High Min: 17.1c June 24
Low Min: 3.3c June 3

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 0

Est sun: 413hr (82%)

Max sun: 15.5 hours June 3rd 4th & 5th

Days no sun: 8

Mean RH: 86%

High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 28% June 14

Predominant wind direction: SW

Max est gust: 40mph Aug 19th

Mean pressure: 1013mbar
Max pressure: 1027mbar June 1
Min pressure: 984mbar Aug 2

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 4
Fog: 7

Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 3 E 9 SE 7 S 14 SW 22 W 14 NW 11 Calm 11

Church Lawford rainfall Summer 2023

Rather wet

Total: 201.0mm (113%)

Wettest day: 34.0mm June 11th

Rain days: 39

Over 1mm: 28

Over 10mm: 7

Dry spell: 30 days May 12th to June 10th also 6 days Aug 19th - 24th

King's Newnham (EA)

Total rainfall: 160.4mm (near average)

Wettest day: 14.2mm July 26th

Bablake Summer 2023

Rather wet

Total: 206.0mm (114%)

Wettest day: 27.6mm June 11th

Rain days: 45

Over 1mm: 30

Over 10mm: 6

Dry spell: 22 days May 20th – June 10th also 7 days Aug 19th - 25th

Thunder: 5

Sun: 564.9 hrs

September 2023


Very warm and wet; sun near average

Rather an unusual combination of warmth and wetness. Both June and September warmer than July and August which is extremely unusual and which has probably not occurred in the records before.

Mean temperature: 15.8c (+2.2c wrt 2006-23) = the warmest Sept here beating 15.5c 2006, likely it was the warmest historically too (2006 was an historically warm September).

Total rainfall 159.4mm = the wettest Sept here (narrowly beating 2022 158.5mm), this being 140% of the historical Lampeter average and 146% of the 2006-23 average here. Note that the historical local record is 252mm in September1974 from Highmead School, Llanybydder 3 miles from this location, this highlights the absence of really wet Septembers in the 18 year record here. That's 4 Septembers totalling in the 150's mm here none exceeding 160mm as yet. All but 0.4mm fell from the 10th.

Total estimated Sunshine 108 hours (86%) = more sun than July and Augusts which were both under 100 hours.

Exceptional heatwave first third. Mean temperature to 9th 19.6c (mean max 26.9c, mean min 12.3c). Unprecedented for September. Mean still above 18c at mid month.

1st rather cloudy, a few light showers.

2nd - 9th very warm to very hot, 7 day heatwave (days above 25c) 3rd to 9th; sunny periods/ sunny (just a rather cloudy 7th); peak of heat max 30.1c 4th a September record (beating 29.7c in 2021); 6 consecutive days (4th - 9th) above 27c 80f; nights cooled off well at first (down to 8.9c 3rd & 4th) but warm from 7th with the highest minimum 17.1c 9th also a September record (however equal to 1st October 2011); mist or thin fog some nights/ early mornings.

10th - 15th unsettled, rather cloudy with rain at times; warm or average temperatures by day with most nights mild; much cloud excepting a bright and dry 13th.

Mean maxima dropped steadily with cooler conditions after mid month but mean minima held up above 12c to 21st (mean max 22c by this stage):

16th - 23rd continued unsettled with showers or longer periods of rain, very heavy at times; 38.9mm 19th the second wettest September day on record (after 46.6mm in 2018); average to rather cool by day but most nights above average although cool from 21st; cloud and sunny intervals some days; very windy overnight 19th/ 20th estimated gusts towards 50mph; 22nd min 3.4c and max 13.9c both coolest of the month; 23rd mainly dry with sunny spells.

24th - 30th rather unsettled with average to rather warm temperatures; sunny intervals with occasional rain or showers; very windy 27th estimated gusts close to 50mph courtesy of named storm Agnes. Heavy rain on the morning of October 1st with 7mm between 0700 – 0900 GMT made September 2023 the wettest recorded here (srb 2026) only just topping September 2022 (158.5mm) this due rainfall measurements being taken at 0900 GMT and the amount being 'thrown back' to the previous day.

Total rainfall: 159.4mm (140% Falc/ 146% Lwn)

Wettest day: 38.9mm 19th

Max rain rate: 132.4mm/ hr 18th
Rain days >0.2mm: 20
Wet days >1.0mm: 18
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 6

Longest dry spell: 8 days 2nd - 9th

Mean temperature: 15.8c (+2.2c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 20.6c (+2.4c)

Mean Min: 11.0c (+2.1c)

High Max: 30.1c 4
Low Max: 13.9c 22
High Min: 17.1c 9
Low Min: 3.4c 22

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 0

Est sun: 108 hr (86%)

Max sun: 12 hours 4th

Days no sun: 5

Mean RH: 93%

High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 56% 4

Predominant wind direction: SSW/Calm
Mean wind speed: NA

Max est gust: 50 mph 20th & 27th

Mean pressure: 1014mbar
Max pressure: 1028mbar 3
Min pressure: 991mbar 20

Days with:

Hail: 0
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 6

Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 0 NE 0 E 2 SE 2 S 5 SW 6 W 2 NW 1 Calm 12

Church Lawford rainfall Sept 2023:

Rather dry

Total: 50.2mm (77%)

Wettest day: 10.6mm 12th

Rain days: 16

Over 1mm: 11

Over 10mm: 1

Dry spell: 9 days 1st - 9th

King's Newnham (EA)

Total rainfall: 61.6mm (near average?)

Wettest day: 18.8mm 12th

Bablake Sept 2023

Rather wet

Total: 67.8mm (115%)

Wettest day: 26.8mm 17th

Rain days: 15

Over 1mm: 13

Over 10mm: 1

Dry spell: 10 days 1st - 10th

Thunder: 2 (108%)

Sun: 148.2 hours

October 2023


Very mild, very wet and dull

Mean temperature 11.5c (+0.7c wrt 2006-23).

Note: October has been a much milder month so far in the 21st century compared to the late 20th.

Mean temperature to 10th above 14c, rest of month temps around average.

Total rainfall 222.9mm this being 156% of the historical Lampeter average and 144% of the 2006-23 average here. Wettest month since December 2020 (283.7mm) and the second wettest October (wettest being 2020 240.3mm). Sixth successive wetter than average October (no other month has had such a run, although 5 of the last 6 Septembers on the wet side. Past 5 Octobers averaged 203mm which is well above the long-term (2005-22) average for December, the wettest month of the year (184mm). The 2006-23 October average being 154.8mm and the historical Lampeter average 143mm.

Total estimated sun 62 hours (78%).

1st - 6th warm wet night 1st, min 16.3c highest of the month; rather cloudy start to the month with rain or drizzle at times, rather mild to average temperatures.

7th – 10th mostly dry and warm/ very warm with sunny spells; max 21.9c 9th highest of the month.

11th - 13th mostly cloudy with spells of rain, 32.2mm 12th wettest day of the month - most of which fell after midnight 13th; average temperatures.

14th - 17th much cooler, showers 14th then dry; sunny spells then cloudy; first air frost of the Season 16th (min -0.4c lowest of the month).

18th – 31st unsettled, showers or longer spells of rain/ drizzle, heavy at times; sunny intervals most days though; temperatures varying from rather cool to rather warm; 975 mbar 20th lowest pressure of the year to date; max 10.8c 24th equal coolest day of the month with 16th.

Total rainfall: 222.9mm (156% Falc/ 144% Lwn)

Wettest day: 32.2mm 12th

Max rain rate: 97.6mm/ hr 26th
Rain days >0.2mm: 24
Wet days >1.0mm: 22
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 9

Longest dry spell: 3 days various

Mean temperature: 11.5c (+0.7c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 15.0c (+0.4c)

Mean Min: 8.0c (+1.0c)

High Max: 21.9c 9
Low Max: 10.8c 16
th & 24th
High Min: 16.3 1
Low Min: -0.4c 16

Air frost: 1

Ground frost: 1

Est sun: 63 hr (72%)

Max sun: 6.5 hrs 15th

Days no sun: 6

Mean RH:

High RH: 100% many
Low RH:
62% 15th

Predominant wind direction: Calm/ SSW
Mean wind speed: NA

Max est gust: 35mph 17th

Mean pressure: 1006mbar
Max pressure: 1028 mbar 15
Min pressure: 975 mbar 20

Days with:

Hail: 1
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 3

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 0

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 0 NE 0 E 2 SE 4 S 5 SW 6 W 3 NW 2 Calm 9

Church Lawford rainfall Oct 2023

Very wet

Total: 106.0mm (158%)

Wettest day: 20.6mm 19th

Rain days: 20

Over 1mm: 12

Over 10mm: 4

Dry spell: 3 days various

King's Newnham (EA) Oct 2023

Total rainfall: 103.0mm

Wettest day: 20.2mm 19th

Bablake Oct 2023

Very wet

Total: 130.6mm (192%)

Wettest day: 27.8mm 19th

Rain days: 17

Over 1mm: 12

Over 10mm: 4

Dry spell: 3 days various

Thunder: 1

Sun: 100.6 hrs (99%)

November 2023


Rather mild, rather wet and rather dull

Total est sun 42 hours – dullest November since 2015 (38 hrs).

Total rainfall: 177.2mm (119% Falc/ 112% Lwn)

Temperature mean 7.2c close to the modern (2006-23) average but taking a more long-term appraisal then a rather mild month. Max 3.4c last day of the month coldest November day since 2012 (max 1.8c 29th). Min -5.9c 25th the coldest November night since 2016 (-11.0c 30th) although note in 2018 down to a record -8.0c on October 30th!

1st - 13th very unsettled, showers or longer spells of rain, heavy at times, 17.4mm 9th the wettest day of the month; sunny intervals; temperatures varying between cool and rather mild. Lowest pressure since March 2008 (956 mbar) twice in first few days, Storm Ciaran 2nd 961 mbar, then 4th 961 mbar again (both beating 963 mbar from 14/02/14).

14th - 17th drier interlude, sunny intervals, some showers; average to rather mild temperatures.

18th - 20th unsettled, cloudy with spells of rain or drizzle; rather mild, maximum 13.4c 18th tied with 13th for mildest day of the month.

21st – 23rd mostly dry and rather mild; rather cloudy, sunny spells 23rd.

24th - 25th mostly dry, colder; hard frost, min -5.9c 25th lowest of the month and coldest November night since 2016; rather cloudy 24th but sunny spells 25th.

26th - 28th became rather cold, rather cloudy with occasional rain or drizzle; slight frost and a sunny period 28th.

29th - 30th dry and cold, sunny intervals, max 3.4c 30th coldest day of the Autumn after sharp frost (and the coldest November day since 2012 see above).

Total rainfall: 177.2mm (119% Falc/ 112% Lwn)

Wettest day: 17.4mm 9th

Max rain rate: 47.4mm/ hr 2nd
Rain days >0.2mm: 24
Wet days >1.0mm: 23
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 10

Longest dry spell: 2 days 21st - 22nd

Mean temperature: 7.2c (+0.1c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 10.1c (-0.2c)

Mean Min: 4.4c (+0.6c)

High Max: 13.4c 13
th & 18th
Low Max: 3.4c 30
High Min: 10.1c 19
Low Min: -5.9c 25

Air frost: 3

Ground frost: 3

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 42 hr (79%)

Max sun: 4 hours 25th

Days no sun: 4

Mean RH:

High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 76% 8

Predominant wind direction: calm/ WSW
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: 35mph 2nd (est)

Mean pressure: 1005mbar
Max pressure: 1033mbar 21
Min pressure: 961 mbar 2
nd & 4th

Days with:

Hail: 2
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 0

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 0

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 2 NE 1 E 1 SE 0 S 2 SW 4 W 5 NW 3 Calm 12

Church Lawford rainfall Nov 2023

Rainfall average

Total: 55.0mm (92%)

Wettest day: 13.0mm 12th

Rain days: 21

Over 1mm: 9

Over 10mm: 1

Dry spell: 2 days various

King's Newnham (EA) Nov 2023

Total rainfall: 56.4mm

Wettest day: 13.4mm 12th

Bablake Nov 2023

Rainfall average

Total: 66.4mm (105%)

Wettest day: 15.0mm 12th

Rain days: 21

Over 1mm: 12

Over 10mm: 2

Dry spell: 3 days 28th - 30th

Thunder: 0

Sun: 84.9 hrs (129%)

Autumn 2023


Mild and very wet; rather dull.

Total rainfall 559.5mm = wettest Autumn srb 2006 (beating 528.2mm 2018) wettest Autumn since 2000 (Cellan near Lampeter c 650mm); this being 138% of the historical Lampeter average and 133% of the 2006-23 average here.

All 3 months wetter than average, all 3 months duller than average and all 3 months milder than average.

September very warm, wet and rather dull.

October very mild, very wet and dull.

November fairly mild, rather wet, rather dull.

Total rainfall: 559.5mm (138% Falc/ 133% Lwn 2006-23)

Wettest day: 38.9mm Sept 19th

Max rain rate: 132.4mm/ hr Sept 18th
Rain days >0.2mm: 68
Wet days >1.0mm: 63
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 25

Longest dry spell: 8 days Sept 2nd - 9th

Mean temperature: 11.5c (+1.0c wrt 2006-23)

Mean Max: 15.2c (+0.8c)

Mean Min: 7.8c (+1.2c)

High Max: 30.1c Sept 4
Low Max: 3.4c Nov 30
High Min: 17.1c Sept 9
Low Min: -5.9c Nov 25

Air frost: 4

Ground frost: 4

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 213 hr (80%)

Max sun: 12 hours Sept 4th

Days no sun: 15

Mean RH: 94%

High RH: 100% many
Low RH: 56% Sept 4

Predominant wind direction: SW/ calm
Mean wind speed: NA

Max gust: 50mph (est) Sept 20th & 27th

Mean pressure: 1008mbar
Max pressure: 1033mbar Nov 21
Min pressure: 961 mbar Nov 2
nd & 4th

Days with:

Hail: 3
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 9

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 0

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 2 NE 1 E 5 SE 6 S 12 SW 16 W 9 NW 7 Calm 33

Church Lawford rainfall Autumn 2023

Rather wet

Total: 211.2mm (110%)

Wettest day: 20.6mm Oct 19th

Rain days: 57

Over 1mm: 32

Over 10mm: 6

Dry spell: 9 days Sept 1st - 9th

King's Newnham (EA)

Total rainfall: 221.0mm

Wettest day: 20.2mm Oct 19th

Bablake Autumn 2023

Wet, very mild, quite sunny

Total: 266.4mm (139%)

Wettest day: 27.0mm Oct 19th

Rain days: 53

Over 1mm: 37

Over 10mm: 7

Dry spell: 10 days Sept 1st - 10th

Thunder: 3

Sun: 333.5 hrs (110%)

Mildest since 2018 likely

December 2023


Very mild, dull and very wet

Sun 26 hours dullest Dec since 2018 (15 hrs).

Just 5 hours second half.

Rainfall 225.1mm this being 156% of Falcondale and 120% of 2006 - 23 here. Note past 5 years Dec averaged 199.4mm, historical Lampeter average just 144mm.

MT 6.9c = mildest since 2018 (7.0c)

1st - 2nd very cold start, sunny, max 1.1c 1st coldest day of the month then min -10.1c 2nd the coldest temperature so early in the Season since 2016 (-11.0c Nov 30th). Sun am 2nd to light rain and a little sleet.

3rd - 6th rather cold, rather cloudy with occasional rain or drizzle and some slight night frosts.

7th - 12th mild to very mild and unsettled; spells of rain or showers and some sunny intervals; windy at times.

13th - 17th average to mild temperatures, rather cloudy (after a bright 13th) with some light rain/ drizzle or light showers; frosts at first.

18th - 31st mostly mild to very mild and unsettled, spells of rain or drizzle, heavy at times; mostly cloudy with a few sunny intervals, windy at times; min 10.2c 18th and max 12.2c 27th mildest of the month. Strong winds 27th and 28th estimated gusts to 50mph. Brief but spectacular thunderstorm 2200 of the 27th with brilliant close lightning within a mile and really loud crashing thunder along with very heavy hail and rain; 30.1mm 30th wettest day of the month.

Total rainfall: 225.1mm (156% Falc/ 120% Lwn)

Wettest day: 30.1mm 30th

Max rain rate: 172mm/ hr 27th
Rain days >0.2mm: 29
Wet days >1.0mm: 24
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 7

Longest dry spell: 1 day various

Mean temperature: 6.9c (+1.8c wrt 06-23)

Mean Max: 9.0c (+1.2c)

Mean Min: 4.7c (+2.4c)

High Max: 12.2c 27
Low Max: 1.1c 1
High Min: 10.2c 18
Low Min: -10.1c 2
nd (coldest of the year)

Air frost: 4

Ground frost: 7

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 26 hr (69%)

Max sun: 7 hours 1st

Days no sun: 13

Mean RH: 94%

High RH: 100%
Low RH: 76% 9

Predominant wind direction: west/ SW
Mean wind speed: NA

Max est gust: 50mph 27th

Mean pressure: 1010mbar
Max pressure: 1039mbar 16
Min pressure: 981mbar 31

Days with:

Hail: 1
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 0

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 1

Snow lying 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 2 NE 0 E 0 SE 0 S 4 SW 9 W 8 NW 0 Calm 8

Church Lawford rainfall Dec 2023

Very wet

Total: 122.3mm (215%)

Wettest day: 20.4mm 30th

Rain days: 26

Over 1mm: 23

Over 10mm: 2

Dry spell: 3 days 14th - 16th

King's Newnham (EA)

Total rainfall: 128.6mm

Wettest day: c 18mm 30th

Bablake Dec 2023

Very wet

Total: 144.0mm (232%)

Wettest day: 23.0mm 3rd

Rain days: 27

Over 1mm: 24

Over 10mm: 3

Dry spell: 2 days 15th - 16th

Thunder: 0

Sun: 32.4 hrs 53%

Annual 2023


Very mild, very wet and rather dull

Mean temperature 10.6c mildest year (pipping 10.5c 2011).

Total rainfall 1642.0mm this being 125% of the historical Lampeter average and 117% of the 2006 – 2023 average here. Wettest year since 2020 (1737mm) and second wettest year here (2008 1554.1mm now third wettest).

248 rain days and 206 wet days (over 1mm) new highs (srb 2013).

Past 5 years averaged 1506mm against 2006-23 1404mm, and the even lower historical Lampeter average of 1312mm.

No snow lay at all this year although there was the unusual occurrence of hail laying for 5 successive days in January.

Total estimated sun 1200 hours (89%) = dullest year since 2019 (1195 hrs)

Total rainfall: 1642.0mm (125% Falc)

Wettest day: 38.9mm Sept 19th

Max rain rate: 172.0mm/ hr Dec 27th
Rain days >0.2mm: 248
Wet days >1.0mm: 204
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 63

Longest dry spell: 27 days May 15th – June 10th

Mean temperature: 10.6c (+0.7c)

Mean Max: 14.7c (+0.6c)

Mean Min: 6.4c (+0.7c)

High Max: 30.4c June 13
Low Max: 1.1c Dec 1
High Min: 17.1c June 24th & Sept 9
Low Min: -10.1c Dec 2

Air frost: 41

Ground frost: 64

Ice days: 0

Est sun: 1200 hr (89%)

Max sun: 15.5 hours June 3rd -5th inclusive

Days no sun: 60

Mean RH: 90%

High RH: 100%
Low RH: 24% May 27

Predominant wind direction 0900: SW/ calm
Mean wind speed: NA

Max est gust: 50mph various

Mean pressure: 1014mbar
Max pressure: 1048 mbar Feb 5
Min pressure: 961 mbar Nov 2
nd & 4th

Days with:

Hail: 15 (2)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 9

Lightning only: 0
Fog: 28

Fog at 0900: 0

Snow or sleet: 9

Snow lying 0900: 0

Hail lying 0900: 5 (all Jan)

0900 WIND: N 9 NE 14 E 20 SE 20 S 47 SW 70 W 79 NW 33 Calm 103

Church Lawford rainfall 2023


Wettest year since 2012 (917mm LL)

Total: 774.5mm (115%)

Wettest day: 34.0mm june 11th

Rain days: 198

Over 1mm: 134

Over 10mm: 19

Dry spell: 30 days May 12th – June 10th

King's Newnham (EA)

Total rainfall: 740.2mm rather wet

Wettest day: 24.0mm march 9th

Bablake 2023

Very wet

Wettest year since 1912 (940mm) according to Bablake (SJ) but 1966 (928mm) according to my research (also note 1960 with 926mm). Coventry wettest year still 1872 (1003mm)

Total: 903.5mm (131%)

Wettest day: 27.8mm oct 19th

Rain days: 209

Over 1mm: 143

Over 10mm: 21

Dry spell: 22 days May 20th – June 10th

Thunder: 12

Sun: 1589 hrs 102%

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