Tuesday 9 July 2024

Weather log June 2024

Weather log June 2024


WW = West Wales
Lwn = Llanwnnen
AG = Aldermans Green, Coventry
CL = Church Lawford
LL = Long Lawford
ROW = Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire
CC = Capel Curig, Snowdonia
MH = Milford Haven
Carms = Carmarthenshire
Pembs = Pembrokeshire
Mids = Midlands
CITE = Coton-in-the-Elms, Derbyshire

EA = Environment Agency
est = estimated
inc = including
cf= compared with
srb = since records began
COL = Climatological Observers Link
PWS = Personal weather station
MO = Met Office
NRW = National Resources Wales

CC = Chiffchaff
WW= Willow Warbler
ST = Song Thrush
BB = Blackbird

Sun 2nd nice sunny day, warm Mids & S Wales, cooler exposed Cardigan Bay max Pershore 24.0c, Coventry & Mumbles 22.1c, Lwn 18.8c, Trawsgoed 17.8c, Aberporth 14.5c. Wellesbourne 14.9 hours sun, Nottingham 14.7 hrs, Lwn est 11 hours (foggy start here).

Much of early June though was cool with sunny spells, not much rain and cold enough at night for local grass frost:

Wed 5th cool night, local grass frost inc Coventry where although the air minimum was just 5.2c the grass thermometer got to -0.2c; other air min Tirabad +1.3c, Lwn 2.7c (grass min +1.0c), Shobdon 2.6c.

Some nice sunny days of late here in WW albeit cool breezes, very nice at Llangrannog Fri 7th.

Sun 9th local grass frosts again, Lwn air min 1.2c, although we do get June grass frost in about half of Junes, grass minima Pershore -1c, CL, Shobdon & Tirabad 0c; other minima Tirabad 2.2c, Pembrey Sands 3.1c, Shobdon 3.8c, mild on Anglesey (Valley min 10.8c).

Mon 10th scattered showers Mids, isolated thunder.

Tue 11th local touches of ground frost, air min Shobdon +1.4c, Tirabad 1.6c, Lwn 2.0c (no grass frost), Pembrey Sands 2.2c, Nottingham 9.2c, Aberporth 9.5c.

Thu 13th very cool day with spells of rain and drizzle for Wales and later Mids. Scolton Country Park 25.2mm wettest in UK. Maxima below 13c in places such as Lwn (12.9c).

Fri 14th showery, thunder in places.

Sat 15th torrential downpour early morning Llanwnnen gave 12mm in 45 minutes. Showery day again, hail and thunder in places. A line of thundery showers crossed the Mids affecting Coventry & Rugby just after midday, at LL lightning was overhead and described variously as a "thunderbolt" and "explosion" it was so close. The radar showed a 1 km square of 20mm accumulation over Long Lawford most of which would have fallen within 15 minutes, although this deluge missed the adjacent rain gauge network which were only in the 3- 6mm range (KN 5.4mm just a mile from LL).

First half of June has been very cool with rainfall variable; sun rather dull to average. Llanwnnen rainfall slightly above average thanks to the 12mm downpour early 15th.

Quite a notable cool spell for June 3rd to 13th (11 days), here at Lwn mean temperature to 15th just 11.0c and so the coolest such June spell of the past two decades, with no day over 17c and 5 nights below 5c. Note: the last really cool whole month of June was back in 1991 when mean maxima just 16.2c at Coventry and Llanpumsaint (Carms) recorded -1.7c on the 4th that month. Further back in June 1972 Birmingham did not manage 20c all month! Coolest June of the past two decades here at Lwn is 2008 (13.1c) so it would take a very warm second half to top that this year.

Rainfall totals June 1st to 0900 16th:

Mona 15.8mm (dry)

CC 54.4mm (rather dry)

Trawsgoed 50.2mm (rather wet)

Aberporth c 31mm (average)

Llanwnnen 41.0mm (average)

Pembrey Sands c 27mm (rather dry)

MH 20.2mm (dry)

Nottingham c 46mm (wet)

Coleshill 24.6mm (average)

Coventry 21.8mm (rather dry)

CL 10.0mm (very dry)

Pershore c 13mm (very dry)

Hereford c 18mm (rather dry)

Sun 16th end of the prolonged cool spell (below 17c since 3rd) max 17.7c here today.

Wed 19th first day of June to top 20c with max 20.6c here today, last 20c back on May 21st (max 20.4c).

Thu 20th widely warm sunny periods, Maxima Hereford & Llanwnnen 23.8c, Pershore 23.1c, CITE 23.0c, Coleshill & Nottingham 22.1c, Trawsgoed 20.8c, Aberporth 18.0c.

Fri 21st still warm and sunny most of Mids, cloudy, cooler some rain WW, maxima Wellesbourne 22.9c, Lwn 16.8c in contrast.

Widely warm/ very warm towards month end:

Sun 23rd warm or very warm Mids with sunny periods, WW rather cloudy near average/ rather warm: maxima CITE 25.6c, Hereford 25.4c, Coventry 25.3c, Nottingham 24.8c, Shawbury 24.0c, Lwn 19.7c, Trawsgoed 19.3c, Aberporth 17.4c.

Mon 24th still rather cloudy mid & SW Wales, sunny spells elsewhere, warm or very warm Mids, rather warm WW, maxima Nottingham & Wellesbourne 26.0c, Coventry 25.5c, Shobdon 22.6c, Trawsgoed 21.9c, Lwn  21.4c, Aberporth 17.3c.

Tue 25th warm night parts of Mids, minima Nottingham 15.5c, Coventry 15.1c, MH 14.4c, Shobdon & Trawsgoed 10.9c, Lwn 10.2c. By day sunny and hot much of Mids and SE Wales, WW merely warm as cloud eventually cleared pm; maxima Pershore College 29.0c, CITE & CL 28.5c, Hereford 28.4c, Nottingham 26.8c, Shawbury 25.7c,Tirabad 24.5c, Lwn 22.4c, Pembrey Sands 21.7c, Aberporth though just 16.3c; Usk max 27.7c warmest in Wales.

Wed 26th widely very warm/ hot: Astwood Bank (Worc) 29.0c, Hereford & Pershore 28.7c, Coventry 27.8c, CITE 27.5c, Llanwnnen 27.3c, Trawsgoed 26.6c, Nottingham 26.4c, Aberporth 22.0c (in spite of occasional sea mist), Aberdaron 19.9c; Cardiff Bute Park max 27.8c hottest spot in Wales.

Thu 27th much cooler though still rather warm Mids: maxima Wellesbourne 22.7c, Coventry 21.4c, Nottingham 20.6c, Lwn 18.0c, MH & Pembrey Sands 178.2c, CC 14.7c. Aberporth sunniest in UK today with 13 hours cf just 3.5 hours (estimated) here inland.

Sun 30th cool/ very cool to end June, maxima CC 14.1c, Aberporth & Trawsgoed 14.4c, Lwn 14.5c, Shawbury 14.7c, Market Bosworth 15.1c, Pembrey Sands 15.9c, CL & Coventry 16.4c, Pershore 18.8c.

Nature notes

Sat 1st dozen or so screaming Swift around dusk, plenty of House Martin & Swallow too. Willow Warbler singing in the churchyard which is unusual as tend to be down by the river.

Tue 4th 4 mile evening walk from the forestry around Mynydd Pencarreg: a cool early Summer evening with little bird song, Laburnums at peak bloom, still some Hawthorn with full blossom and still a few Bluebells out up here; half dozen Willow Warbler singing, Redstart heard, Skylark; at the end of the walk a Grasshopper warbler in the usual field as it was getting dark past 2200. temperature 6c at 2215.

Sun 9th first Swift egg shell on the ground, hall east end front window.

Mid month: Bird song has been much more subdued than in a typical June could be the cool breezy weather, Chiffchaff still going well though end of garden! Grass growth seems to have slowed thankfully. Quite a few dead or near dead Ash trees around now (would estimate 10-20% completely dead or soon to be dead), such a shame, the ones that are close to death (like one in our garden) are only able to put out small leaves while the healthy ones a few yards away full of lush branches with big leaves. Very few insects, bees or butterflies about (there were more in May which was warmer).

Wed 19th Newquay: Swifts blocked by scaffolding Pier old warehouse building. I saw Swifts in the vicinity 1800 so went to look and they were trying to access nest holes on the harbour side near the corner. A man behind me was filming them as he too was aware of this problem. We saw one successful entry but this took them maybe half dozen attempts and so they are at risk of colliding with the poles and the chicks may not be getting fed. The man said the scaffolding went up the other day and he had contacted the scaffolding company, the owners (council) and also the BTO. He said the scaffolders were due to come tomorrow, so I advised that they should remove the cross rails and kick board at minimum and preferably the platform boards too. He works on the 'Wildlife Tour' boat trip and had to go to this now. I then notice someone had stuck a note to the pole with a diagram drawn stating that the 'Swifts cannot perch or hop into their nest and need 4 metres clearance to fly in'. I decided to phone the scaffolders too, the man said they would come tomorrow but was concerned if the work could be carried out (leaky roof) with rails removed. I said that several people were aware of this issue and that the only people not yet contacted were the police as they were likely to be committing an offence. Will monitor tomorrow on the webcam to see if they address this and the man said he will look out for the scaffolders

Also Newquay fewer House Martin nests than last year when half dozen on one house in Marine Terrace alone, this year so far just the 2 on that house with maybe half dozen more scattered about the parts of the town we covered. Briefly sited a couple of Dolphins 1800 too. Several Chiffchaff singing.

Thu 20th Newquay update been checking the Newquay Dolphin webcam than pans around most hours to the building and to my surprise the scaffolding which had been up still to 1100 had all gone by 1300! Thanked the scaffolding company.

Fri 21st 2 egg shells on the ground near the far corner west side of church hall.

Sun 23rd attended a 'Nature Trail' event organised by the Church which was nice if flower orientated, the secretary of the Church is a keen birdwatcher, I enquired as to the fate of the hall which is no longer in use (used to be for Youth Club and as a Polling Station) he said it will be put up for sale 'but don't worry the Church moves very slowly'.

Mon 24th evening Llanybydder several Swift over the car park seen to enter the former warehouse; Rhydybont chapel 3 or 4 Swift 2 of which seen to enter nest holes simultaneously (one in the NW corner and one a few metres along and both into small holes little more than an inch into the slanting wooden soffit boards.

Forestry dusk: had a walk from the main gate, several CC, WW, ST and BB singing. After sunset awaited a Nightjar by the usual place (slope on NW edge) and felt dubious as to whether they would still be nesting here as the conifer regrowth is now thick at over 10 years. Just past 2200 distant churring so walked back along track towards it some 300 metres. Stopped and listened for 5 minutes it was within 100m calling from a tree besides the track. It then alighted across the ride. Returned to the usual area but nothing so I guess they may now be using one of the extensive areas cleared of larch in 2020? Last of the Laburnums fading to seed.

Wed 26th a garden first Crossbills flew overhead (heard not seen).

Wed 26th Newquay: plenty of House Martin ever present through the 5 hours we were there, young fledglings practicing their flights. Chiffchaff singing loud and purposeful near the Sea Food factory. On the cliff top a few Chough, Whitethroat, also Kittiwakes around Bird Rock below. Half dozen distant Dolphin. Several swift briefly about then towards dusk around a dozen over the town, hoped to see activity over the Pier building but none, they were mostly above the town, saw one enter a gable end in Park St (viewed from adjacent car park) entered a gap between the chimney breast and roof.

Fri 28th southern forestry vicinity (circumnavigation of cleared scrubby area adjacent south side): Reed Buntings calling, also Linnets; lane back and Meadow Pipits and a Skylark (could not see it), then towards Caermalwas family of Swallows swooping over the fields with their young which are rather buff. 2 orchids further back along this wild lane.

Dusk Family of House Martin feeding above the gardens. Many Hirundine young airborne this past week.

Sun 30th squashed dead bird middle of the road near end of hall, think a Swift but not certain as poor condition. Only the second such road fatality noticed in 10 years, other fatalities in that time a dead bird on pavement opposite hotel, while over 15 years ago adult got stuck entering a nest hole perished, additionally perhaps half dozen chicks fallen to ground, so not so bad overall. One Swift made entry whooshing close to my head in to hole towards centre of hall. Dozen or so Swallows inc recently fledged chick over village some seen entering church tower where there are nests and have been in the past. No bird song at all dusk.

Month end: Bird song really dropped off second half of the month, disappointing as it usually quite good even into July. Chiffchaff at end of garden still going quite well although not as continuously as much of April & May! Not heard a single Grasshopper so far this Summer, usually very active on sunny days. Most insects notable by their absence this Summer so far.

June 2024 summary

Cool WW, rather cool Midlands; very dry to average rainfall; sunshine around average

First half very cool, last third warm: here at Llanwnnen the coolest June srb 2006 (beating 13.1c mean in June 2008). Nearer average parts of Mids. 

Most places a dry month, much of the Midlands and SW Wales less than half the average; Church Lawford had a very dry June. Just a few spots up to average .

Many places June sunshine around (within 15%) of average.

Rainfall totals June 2024

Capel Curig, Snowdonia 69.4mm (dry)

Mona, Anglesey 30.8mm (dry)

Trawsgoed, Ceredigion 57.0mm (rather dry)

Aberporth, near Llangrannog c 40mm (rather dry)

Llanwnnen 46.0mm (56%)

Pembrey Sands, Carms 35.8mm (dry)

Milford Haven, Pembs 28.0mm (very dry)

Nottingham (Watnall) 47.0mm (rather dry)

Shawbury, Salop c 47mm (near average)

Coleshill c 25mm (very dry)

Coventry, Bablake School 23.0mm (39%)

CL, Warks 11.8mm (21%)

Pershore, Worc 13.2mm (very dry)

Shobdon (Herefordshire)  31.0mm (dry)

King's Newnham EA gauge (near Rugby) 14.6mm 

National Resources Wales (NRW) rain gauges June 2024

Llyn Cefni, Ynys Mon 22.8mm (very dry)

Bethesda Quarry (Gwynedd) 58.2mm (dry)

Cwm Dyli (Snowdonia) 123.2mm (dry)

Abersoch (Llyn Peninsular) 29.0mm (dry)

Corris (near Machynlleth) 90.8mm (rather dry)

Bow Street (near Aberystwyth) 44.6mm (dry)

Pontrhydfendigaid (near Tregaron, Ceredigion) 60.2mm (rather dry)

Rhos Ymryson (near Gorscoch and 5 miles NW of Lwn) 54.2mm (dry)

Cellan (2 miles NE of Lampeter) 51.8mm (dry)

Pencader (Carms) 50.0mm (dry)

Abergorllech (Brechfa Forest, Carms) 48.8mm (very dry)

Rhydargaeau (Carms) 55.8mm (very dry)

Garnswllt (near Ammanford, Carms) 35.6mm (very dry)

Felinfoel (near Llanelli, Carms) 36.2mm (very dry)

Ferwig (near Cardigan) 31.2mm (very dry)

Maenclochog (near Preselis, Pembs) 67.6mm (dry)

Tenby (Pembs) 30.2mm (very dry)

Bolton Hill (near Haverfordwest, Pembs) 27.8mm (very dry)

COL stations rainfall June 2024

Llansadwrn 48.9mm (66%)

Ludlow, Salop 32.7mm (48%)

Alvechurch, Worc 31.1mm (44%)

Warstock, Brum 26.8mm (37%)

Cosby, Leic 24.7mm (38%)

Hinckley 20.4mm

Towcester, Northants 28.2mm (49%)

Sunshine totals June 2024

Aberdaron  225 hours (average)

Aberporth 183.4 hrs (near average)

Llanwnnen estimated  149 hours (92%)

Nottingham 161.5 hrs (average)

Shawbury 160.6 hrs (near average)

Coventry, Bablake School 207 hours (108%)

Shobdon, Herefordshire 169.3 hrs (average)

COL stations sun

Ludlow 146.9 hours

Alvechurch 147.5 hrs

Cosby 204.0 hrs

Towcester 226.3 hrs