Sunday 9 June 2024

Weather log May 2024

Weather log May 2024


WW = West Wales
Lwn = Llanwnnen
AG = Aldermans Green, Coventry
CL = Church Lawford
LL = Long Lawford
Cov = Coventry
Nott = Nottingham
ROW = Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire
CC = Capel Curig, Snowdonia
MH = Milford Haven
Carms = Carmarthenshire
Pembs = Pembrokeshire
Mids = Midlands
CITE = Coton-in-the-Elms, Derbyshire
COL = Climatological Observers Link
PWS = Personal weather station
MO = Met Office
NRW = National Resources Wales
EA = Environment Agency
est = estimated
inc = including
cf= compared with
srb = since records began
wrt = with respect to

Unsettled start to May, cool for WW but some warmth parts of Mids:

Thu 2nd slow moving warm front advecting warm air across central UK with WW on the cool side of it. The warm air aloft brought rain and thunderstorms in places (especially parts of WW and S Mids; here at Lwn a dull, misty, damp day, and so rather strange for a Summer- type storm to pass close by to the north amidst the murk, with some loud thunder cracks around 1.20pm as the line of thundery showers tracked just east and north of Lampeter and onto Newquay on the coast, giving 20mm according to the radar in just one hour near Llanarth. Just bits of drizzle here at Lwn, no lightning seen (closest sferics 4 miles north near Temple Bar). Very cool with all the cloud and damp for SW Wales, in contrast warm sunny intervals for far N of Wales and N Mids: maxima Scolton Country Park 9.8c (about 6c below the early May norm), MH 10.3c,  Lwn 11.6c, ROW 13.1c, Trawsgoed 13.2c,  Pershore & Shobdon 14.4c, Coventry 17.7c, Mona 18.5c, CITE 20.8c. Hawarden in Flintshire (NE Wales) had a very warm 22.8c today (about 6c above average).

Sun 5th near 20c parts of Mids and N Wales today with sunny spells (Aberdaron 13.3 hours was sunny), contrasting a front slowly edging north made it a rather cool and damp day S Wales. Maxima Porthmadog 19.8c, Newport (Salop) 19.7c, Coleshill & Coventry 19.4c, Trawsgoed 18.1c, Lwn 17.7c (max before noon before cloud), Shobdon 17.2c, MH 12.6c.

Mon 6th Rather a warm Bank Holiday Mids, showers and thunderstorms in places, Astwood Bank (Worc) caught 14.8mm under these. CITE max 21.2c warmest spot in the UK.

Tue 7th generally rather warm with sunny spells, heavy showers over some Welsh hills; however cool and misty parts of Cardigan Bay; contrast stark between inland Llanwnnen (max 21.6c) and coastal Aberporth (max 12.2c) just 20 miles west. Other maxima ROW 22.1c (warmest in UK), Usk in SE Wales also 21.6c was warmest in Wales today; Shobdon 20.1c, Trawsgoed 18.1c, CL 17.0c.

Wed 8th a cloudier and cooler day WW but warm sunny spells Mids (Coventry 9 hours); maxima Wellesbourne (Warks) 22.1c warmest spot in UK, Coventry 22.0c, CITE 21.7c, CL 20.9c, Shawbury 20.7c, Lwn 19.2c, Trawsgoed 16.8c, Mumbles 13.7c, Aberdaron 13.1c.

Thu 9th warm sunny periods more widely, Pershore max 24.0c, Cov 23.5c, Nott 22.5c, CL 22.3c, Lwn 22.1c, Shawbury 20.7c, Mumbles 20.4c, Trawsgoed 19.6c, Valley 15.2c.

Fri 10th widely very warm for May,  Llanwnnen 26.2c in our rather sheltered garden; officially though ROW 24.5c (warmest in UK), Cardiff Bute Park, Coleshill, Hereford & Nott all 24.1c, Trawsgoed 24.0c, CL 22.9c, Mumbles 20.5c, Pembrey Sands 20.0c.

Overnight remarkable Aurora display, however nothing like the iPhone photos as viewed with the naked eye here! Nonetheless spectacular shimmering curtains and pillars of diffuse light much of the sky 2300 to 0100 observed with large bright bluish sky to north. 

Sat 11th another warm/ very warm day with sunny periods: Llanwnnen 25.9c, Gogerddan (near Aberystwyth 25.1c, Trawsgoed 24.2c, ROW 23.6c, Pershore 23.5c, Aberporth 23.0c, Nott 22.8c, CL 21.6c, MH 19.6c.

Sun 12th warm or very warm again, thunderstorms affected central and E Wales and the W Mids pm, thought I heard a distant rumble here at 1400, checked and nearest sferics 15- 20 miles east with towering Cumulonimbus visible. Maxima Pershore 26.2c, CITE 26.0c, Coventry 25.6c, Lwn 24.4c, Shobdon & Trawsgoed 24.1c, Mumbles 17.7c. Cooled off across WW later.

Wed 15th plenty of bright and rather warm weather around, scattering of showers and local thunder; Rugby caught a little storm mid evening with torrential rain (Bilton PWS 9mm in half hour), it then tracked between Bedworth & Nuneaton with thunder and lightning observed from Coventry although most of the city missed the rain.

First half of May warm with variable rainfall with parts of Mids and N Wales very dry but parts of S Wales wet; rather dull to average sunshine-wise.

Rain totals May 1st - 0900 16th:

CC 39.0mm (dry)

Trawsgoed c 28mm (rather dry)

Aberporth c 28mm (near average)

Llanwnnen 26.6mm (dry)

Milford Haven 43.2mm (rather wet)

Mumbles 56.4mm (very wet)

Nottingham c 15mm (very dry)

Coleshill c 13mm (very dry)

Coventry 10.4mm (very dry)

Church Lawford 17.6mm (dry)

Pershore 33.2mm (rather wet)

Shobdon (Herefordshire) 25.8mm (average)

Thu 16th showers or longer spells of rain for N Mids in particular, thunderstorms affected Snowdonia & areas close to S Wales coast afternoon. Almost an inch in places. PWS (Davis) near Pembroke Dock 40mm in under 2 hours.

Fri 17th warm sunny intervals and a few showers; maxima CITE 22.2c, ROW 22.1c, Pershore 21.9c, Nottingham 21.7c, Lwn 21.4c, Coventry 20.7c, Pembrey Sands 19.7c, Aberporth 15.6c.

Sat 18th another warm day, thundery showers affected parts of W Mids, mid & S Wales, very locally 1 to 2 inches. most of Pembrokeshire stayed dry. Heard a rumble from Carmarthen early evening. Max temps ROW 22.6c, Shobdon 22.1c, CITE 21.8c, Pembrey Sands 21.0c, CL & Lwn 19.5c, Aberporth 13.4c cool and misty however.

Sun 19th turning into a decent warm spell now, sunny widely, maxima widely above 20c...Pembrey Sands 24.1c, ROW 23.2c, CITE 22.7c, Lwn 21.9c, Coventry 21.5c, CL 21.1c, while at a misty Aberporth just 13.7c.

Mon 20th warm for Wales cooler Mids, maxima Lwn 23.3c, Gogerddan 22.6c, Trawsgoed 21.8c, ROW 20.3c, CITE & Mona 19.3c, Pembrey Sands 18.5c, Shawbury 17.3c, Nottingham 16.7c.

Tue 21st rather warm West Wales, thundery showers mostly affected the Cambrians, Snowdonia and the Swansea area, just isolated ones further west, a few sferics near Carmarthen (people in Carmarthen would have been able to hear hear thunder for 3 out of the past 4 days now); 1 to 2 inches locally according to the radar. Midlands mostly dry, sunny intervals with around average temperatures.

Wed 22nd a low pressure reached the UK from the east bringing a very wet day for the Midlands and N Wales, a little rain only for SW Wales; 24 hour totals to 0900 - Coleshill (MO) 55mm with EA gauges as follows: Birmingham Airport 51.1mm, Warwick Racecourse 38.3mm, Corley 34.4mm, Bablake, Coventry 23.6mm. Further rain through the afternoon Midlands with Coleshill up to about 60mm by 1800GMT. Most of the Mids over an inch today, over 2 inches also for parts of N Wales. All this rain putting a different slant on what was looking like a rather dry month for a change. Wellesbourne (Warks) 63.8mm (2100) officially wettest spot in the Mids today, with CITE 39mm wettest in the E Mids. Radar suggested accumulations above 100mm close to the N Wales coast in the Llanfairfechan/ Penmaenmawr area however local PWS only 30 - 40mm.

Sun 26th showery, hail and thunder in places, here at Lwn rather loud rumble 1410 from a cell 5 miles SE, then a few hours later a couple of more distant rumbles again SSE (note none of these evidenced by sferics).

Nature notes:

Fri 3rd first Swift observed from garden just briefly this dull damp afternoon.

Sun 5th single Swift again briefly morning then flew overhead with more leisure and lower down.

Early May: Holly flowering  with still with hundreds of red berries from last Autumn, a Blackbird was feeding off them a few days ago when it was very cool. Also Ash starting to flower and Apples blossoming. Hoverflies during calm sunny spells.

Mon 6th pair of screaming Swift towards the church. House Sparrows fledging from their nest within the insulation edge east side of house.

Tue 7th A Swift seen above Lampeter Hight St while driving.

I have had slight hay fever already = the earliest in my life.

Tue 7th Tregaron Bog: nice day, first Cuckoo heard as soon as got out the car then calling most of the next hour or so, quite close at first but then more distant towards the river (did not see it). Other: plenty of Willow Warbler singing along with quite a few Chiffchaff, some Blackcap, a Garden Warbler, Sedge Warbler. A couple of mysterious bird off the boardwalk heading back, unassuming short song bursts to each other, warbler like but they were hidden away in the grass or shrubs. They were where the Reed Buntings usually to be found (which are easily identified and visible but none this afternoon), also a Heron.

Driving back through Llanddewi Brefi just past the school a pair of Swifts one of which seen to enter a gable end hole on one of the two large houses on the right. As usual a great May Bluebell showing along the back lanes from Tregaron to Lampeter.

Sat 11th Aberystwyth: GSW drumming Arts Centre really loudly. Swift heard screaming from Buarth area not seen, suspect they nest in some of the buildings which are quite old. Laburnums flowering already Llanbadarn Road.

Around 20 House Martin above using the modern flats opposite the Welsh Government buildings. Had a look and they are actively nest building also evidence of former nests in the apexes totalling at least a dozen in the colony?

Sun 12th Heard a Cuckoo call briefly this afternoon which was a shock as never heard within 4 miles of Llanwnnen! Did not hear again and so either rapidly passed through or somebody was mimicking one or playing a call? Mystery.

Horse Chestnuts out in Lampeter by the schools.

Tue 14th southern forestry: Willow Warblers singing, Wood Warblers, Tree Pipits, a few Chiffchaff, Stonechat, Whitethroat (heard). The area felled recently has log piles the tree rings of which are over 80 years (thus dating from the original 1930s forestry?). Found even older ones on a large stump close on 100 years old!

80 year old log

Rhydybont chapel 2 Swift screaming as driving back.

Aberduar chapel 3 Swift observed there 10 minutes.

Station, Llanybydder 1 or 2 Swift only there 5 minutes.

Mid month garden Bluebells going over, countryside ones at peak. May blossom, Ash leafing,  Oak and Sycamore fully in leaf. 

Local laburnums in bloom.

Sat 18th Carmarthen: 3 Swift town centre late afternoon then a couple over Morrisons. 3 or 4 Chiffchaff singing from scrubland adjacent Morrisons.

Driving back Llanybydder 8pm about 10 Swift above and adjacent the car park, one seen going up to a hole in the old warehouse/ mill. 

Hay fever quite bad today, never used to get it until June.

Sun 19th Forestry a nice warm evening: 2 or 3 Cuckoos: one calling quite persistently from across the road into the 'southern forestry' then a non calling bird (female?) alighted on a tree just 40m ahead of the main upper track we scared what with Dexter having a go off the lead and it flew past even closer mobbed by a small bird. Then another was calling just beyond NE corner of forestry and so birds heard a mile apart means either the same bird covering it's territory or possibly 2 different males (not heard simultaneously however suggest the one). Other birds: dozen WW, a Wood Warbler, half dozen Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Tree Pipit I think? Half dozen Newts in the deeper semi- permanent 'puddle along the southern ride back to main road, unlikely to be able to stay there as it always dries out in Summer for weeks at least. Small bird feeding a chick I think were Goldcrests? Laburnums just starting to flower up here which is the earliest seen.

Llanybydder driving back: 

3 screaming Swifts above the hall between the 2 chapels (don't think they nest in it) it was mentioned on Facebook that this hall has funding for renovations so I suggested Swift provision but the lady said 'only enough for the renovations'.

Aberduar chapel: half dozen or so screaming Swifts.

Old station: 3 screaming, one made entry to one of the small holes 3 feet below the roof line (nest height no more than 3 metres is low).

Old mill/dairy/ warehouse also known on the NMR as 'Felin Isaf Milk Cooling Centre' or the former 'Felin Isaf Woollen Mill'; 10 or so again in the car park vicinity.

Mon 20th Longwood another fine warm day: Chiffchaff & Willow Warbler around 20 singing birds of each just a couple actually seen (no binoculars), saw a couple of female Pied Flycatcher each at different nest boxes; also heard Garden Warbler and Blackcap half dozen (a couple seen), a few Wood Warbler heard, 3 or 4 Tree Pipit seen parachuting, also plenty of Blackbird and Song Thrush in song. Elder now in flower.

Wed 22nd  Lampeter 4 Swift above Bridge St teatime. 5 House Martin nests completed Harford Square, there have been nests under the sloping eaves at this location for at least 3 decades, and so some tolerant householders (nests spread across the front of 3 neighbouring properties). Not spotting many Martin nests elsewhere in the town though and much fewer Swallow nests around the Uni than usual when locate usually a dozen or so.

Fri 24th Aberaeron: 5 House Martin nests, most by the harbour. Several House Martin and a Swift by the harbour then half dozen HM above the Craft Centre early evening; plenty of Foxgloves out (but first ones I have seen, i.e. none seen inland as yet).

Sat 25th Chiffchaff from trees by the end of the garden has been at it virtually non- stop the whole of April & May! I wonder if this is one of a pair does it help with the feeding or perhaps a single bird trying in vain to get a mate? Foxgloves out in the village especially the churchyard; there are now some completely dead ash trees with no leaves in and around the village, also quite a few close to death with just a few leaves showing.

Mon 27th Forestry (south side): Laburnums magnificent up the lane past Caermalwas Fach. This house and its land were bought by Carmarthenshire Wildlife Trust a few years back purportedly so they could farm the land sustainably for wildlife, etc, house up for sale a month ago now sold but not the land as far as I can tell, they were trying to get funding to make the house fit for a tenant farmer. The Laburnums at this point overhang the dilapidated outbuildings and interleaf the large Sycamore and Horse Chestnut of the yard, one tree fallen over but supported by a barn roof continues to add to the remarkable display. I am guessing the trees will be cut down what with the new owners. Other obs: Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, Meadow or Tree Pipits (I am never sure which). Bubbling Cuckoo alighted at the top of a nearby tree presumed a female but later down the track faintly heard the more familiar call. Hawthorn only just coming out up the lane, Rowan in flower.

Fri 31st driving a small bird went on the edge of the road towards Llanrhystud just ahead thought it was a Sparrow it only just got out of the way in time as I slowed and most surprised that it was a Redstart!

Aberystwyth: Dozen or so House Martin over the river and their colony nearby (at least a dozen nests); 5 Swift over the river by Morrison evening. Met a lady in the café who lives in Aberystwyth and has Swift boxes up currently unoccupied.

Month end: Ash mostly in full leaf- disease permitting. Bluebells almost all over excepting still some showing in well shaded areas.

May 2024 summary

Warm WW and very warm Midlands; variable rain; dull to average sun.

CET was the second warmest May (only 1833 warmer). Coventry had its warmest May on record (back to 1892). Here at Lwn warmest May since 2008. This was down to the very mild nights rather than especially warm days (although Lwn did record 26c mid month). Not perceived as a good May however what with the cloud and damp. 

No air frosts for the third successive May (record such run) although we are not out of the woods even in June (3 occurrences in the past 18 years).

Eleventh month on the trot that the EWP (England & Wales Precipitation) mean above average, here at Lwn however rainfall was below average and the first sub 100mm month since last July.

Rainfall totals May 2024

Capel Curig, Snowdonia 166.2mm (average)

Mona, Anglesey 71.4mm (near average)

Trawsgoed, Ceredigion 72.0mm (average)

Aberporth, near Llangrannog c 35mm (dry)

Llanwnnen 59.8mm (76%)

Pembrey Sands, Carms 56.2mm (rather dry)

Milford Haven, Pembs 68.4mm (average)

Mumbles, near Swansea 87.6mm (wet)

Nottingham 88.2mm (very wet)

Shawbury, Salop c 90mm (very wet)

Coleshill 103.6mm (twice average)

Coventry, Bablake School 69.8mm (125%)

CL, Warks 70.0mm (123%)

Pershore, Worc 76.6mm (wet)

Shobdon, Herefordshire 62.8mm (average)

King's Newnham EA gauge (near Rugby) 64.4mm

National Resources Wales (NRW) rain gauges 

Llyn Cefni, Ynys Mon 68.6mm (average)

Bethesda Quarry (Gwynedd) 129.4mm (average)

Cwm Dyli (Snowdonia) 213.6mm (wet)

Abersoch (Llyn Peninsular) 50.6mm (average)

Corris (near Machynlleth) 134.6mm (average)

Bow Street (near Aberystwyth) 72.4mm (average)

Pontrhydfendigaid (near Tregaron, Ceredigion) 89.0mm (average)

Rhos Ymryson (near Gorscoch and 5 miles NW of Lwn) 86.4mm (average)

Cellan (2 miles NE of Lampeter) 61.2mm (rather dry)

Pencader (Carms) 65.2mm (dry)

Abergorllech (Brechfa Forest, Carms) 88.0mm (average)

Rhydargaeau (Carms) 86.4mm (average)

Garnswllt (near Ammanford, Carms) 65.6mm (rather dry)

Felinfoel (near Llanelli, Carms) 84.0mm (average)

Ferwig (near Cardigan) 45.0mm (dry)

Maenclochog (near Preselis, Pembs) 86.8mm (average)

Tenby (Pembs) 76.4mm (wet)

Bolton Hill (near Haverfordwest, Pembs) 66.0mm (average)

Note additional local variation in the Cambrians inland from Aberystwyth with Cwm Rheidol 61.0mm while just 5 miles SE Pwll Peiran 164.6mm no doubt due to local thunderstorms.

COL stations rainfall May 2024

Llansadwrn 87.6mm (129%)

Ludlow, Salop 79.8mm (125%)

Alvechurch, Worc 85.7mm (130%)

Warstock, Brum 98mm (153%)

Cosby, Leic 86.5mm (150%)

Towcester, Northants 70.1mm (116%)

Sunshine totals May 2024

Llanwnnen estimated 129 hours (71%)

Nottingham 126 hrs (dull)

Shawbury 156 hrs (rather dull)

Coventry, Bablake School 160.5 hrs (84%)

COL stations sun

Ludlow 148 hours

Alvechurch 117.6 hrs

Cosby 165 hrs

Towcester 155.1 hrs

Spring 2024 summary

Dull and wet/ very wet but warm

Dullest & wettest Spring here at Llanwnnen.

Warmest Spring since 2011 at Llanwnnen (10.1c) due to very mild nights (+1.8c wrt 2006-24) with days nearer average.

Coventry had its equal warmest Spring (10.8C) since before 1892 (equal with 2011).

Coventry the dullest spring (395.6hr) since 1991 (347.2hr).

Rainfall totals Spring 2024

Capel Curig 716.4mm (very wet)

Trawsgoed c 289mm (rather wet)

Aberporth c 245mm (wet)

Llanwnnen 388.7mm (154%)

Pembrey Sands c 307mm (wet)

Mumbles c 319mm (very wet)

Nottingham 246.8mm (very wet)

Coleshill 268.6mm (very wet)

Coventry, Bablake School 246.6mm (159%)

CL 225.0mm (145%)

Pershore 233.2mm (very wet)

Shobdon 270.4mm (very wet)

Kings Newnham, near Rugby (EA) 226.2mm