2020 Weather summaries referencing Midlands
January 2020
Very mild with near ave rain and sunshine
Mean temp 5.6c = mildest Jan since 2012 (5.8c)
Total rainfall 137.0mm being 95% of the 1916-50 historical average at nearby Lampeter and 89% of the 2006-2020 mean here
Estimated sunshine total: 45 hours (102%)
No sleet or snow at all this month.
1050mbar 19th/ 20th = highest pressure recorded here and the highest in Wales perhaps ever recorded?
1st -5th often dry, rather cloudy with a few sunny intervals; some rain 2nd/ 3rd; average to mild temperatures.
6th – 17th mild or very mild, max 11.5c 14th highest reading of the month; unsettled with spells of wet weather or showers with some hail; often windy, gusts above 60mph 13th; often cloudy but several bright days; cooled down 17th .
18th – 25th anticyclonic reprieve! Dry with sunny spells and overnight frost to 21st then became dull with some drizzle and fog at times; rather cold/ cold at first, min -6.3c 19th lowest reading of the month, then generally chilly although mild 22nd .
26th - 30th more unsettled end to the month with some rain or showers at times; some sunny intervals; temperatures varied from quite cold to very mild by month end, min 8.2c 31st highest of the month.
Total rainfall: 137.0mm (95%)
Wettest day: 25.0mm 16th
rain rate: 31.6mm/hr 26th
Rain days >0.2mm: 25
Wet days >1.0mm: 20
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 5
dry spell: 6 days Dec 27th
– Jan 1st
temperature: 5.6c
(+1.1c wrt 2006-20 mean)
Mean Max: 8.2c (+1.0c)
Mean Min: 2.9c (+1.2c)
Max: 11.5c 14th
Low Max: 3.6c 20th
High Min: 8.2c 31st
Low Min: -6.3c 19th
Est sun: 45 hr (102%)
Max sun: 6.5 hrs 19th
no sun: 13
Air frost: 5
Ground frost: 8
days: 0
Mean RH: 95%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 78%
wind direction: SSW
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 64mph 14th
pressure: 1018mbar
pressure: 1050mbar 19th&
= record
pressure: 982mbar 14th
5 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 5
Fog at 0900: 2
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 1 NE 0 E 0 SE 1 S 7 SW 4 W 5 NW 3 Calm 10
Church Lawford rainfall :
Total: 56.8mm (101%)
Wettest day: 12.2mm 8th
Rain days: 18
Over 1mm: 9
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 3 days 3rd - 5th
Total: 63.8mm (107%)
Wettest day: 11.6mm 25th
Rain days: 19
Over 1mm: 12
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 2 days various
Thunder: 0
Sleet or snow 1 (few flakes one morning)
Sun: 55.1 hrs (92%)
February 2020
Exceptionally wet; very mild and rather dull:
Total rainfall 269.5mm = second wettest Feb (287.4mm in 2014), wettest month since Dec 2015 (340.3mm). 264% of the historical 1916-50 Lampeter average and 236% of the 2006-20 mean here.
Fourth wettest month recorded here.
March 2019 to Feb 2020 1684.7mm the wettest 12 months recorded here (beating Dec 2013 to Nov 2014 1632.7mm).
Mean temperature 5.7c (+0.9c wrt 2006-20)
Just 3 air frost; no snow lying as per December & January.
Estimated sunshine 51 hours (about 80%).
1st - 3rd mild and mainly cloudy with a little rain or drizzle at times.
4th - 6th dry, anticyclonic interlude, sunny periods 5th and 6th, average/ rather mild with some night frost and fog, min -4.4c 6th being the lowest reading of the month.
7th - 29th unsettled, spells of rain or showers, heavy at times and often windy; Storm Ciara gave 33.7mm 8th being the wettest February day recorded here (beating 32.2mm 14-2-14); sunny intervals; temperatures oscillating between very mild and rather cold; Then the very deep Storm Dennis brought copius rain and strong winds 15th to 16th; 61.8mm credited to 15th being the wettest February day here (beating last weekends event!) and the second highest daily total recorded here (srb 2006). There were also some drier brighter intervals. A few of the showers were wintry in the colder 'snaps' but the only snow fell in showers on the final day.
Total rainfall: 269.5mm (264%)
Wettest day: 61.8mm 15th = Feb record
rain rate: 44.4mm/
hr 9th
days >0.2mm: 26
Wet days >1.0mm: 24
of heavy rain >10mm: 9
dry spell: 3 days 4th
temperature: 5.7c (+0.9c)
Mean Max: 8.7c (+0.6c)
Mean Min: 2.7c (+1.3c)
Max: 11.6c 9th
Low Max: 5.5c 11th
High Min: 7.8c 22nd
Low Min: -4.4c 6th
Est sun: 51 hr (80%)
Max sun: 7 hrs 6th
no sun: 7
Air frost: 3
Ground frost: 12
days: 0
Mean RH: 90%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 66% 27th
Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 58mph 8th & 15th
pressure: 1039mbar 5th
Min pressure: 980mbar 29th
10 (2)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 1
Fog at 0900: 1
Snow or sleet: 3
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 1 NE 0 E 0 SE 2 S 1 SW 12 W 9 NW 1 Calm 3
Church Lawford rainfall Feb 2020:
Very wet
Total: 110.0mm (275%)
Wettest day: 17.2mm 15th
Rain days: 23
Over 1mm: 19
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 5 days 2nd - 5th
Bablake Feb 2020
Very wet; second wettest Feb in Cov (170.6mm 1977)
Total: 119.8mm (271mm)
Wettest day: 23.8mm 15th
Rain days: 23
Over 1mm: 18
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 4 days 3rd - 6th
Thunder: 1
Sun: 93.2 hrs (107%)
The 9 month period June 2019 to February 2020 is the wettest such period in Coventry since before 1870.
874.8mm 2019-20 ahead of 840.6mm 1880-81
Winter 2019/20 summary
Very mild and very wet; sun near average:
Mean temp 5.5c = very mild at +0.7c wrt 2006 - 20 average (itself mild).
Consistently mild; lack of real cold, lowest reading very early in Dec (-7.7c), in spite of overall mildness no exceptionally high readings (max only 11.6c in Dec & Feb).
No snow lying all Winter (there was one morning in November though).
Total rainfall 586.3mm = wettest Winter and Season since Winter 2015/16 (698.8mm). This being 150% of the historical 1916-50 average at Lampeter and 131% of the 2006-20 mean here.
March 2019 to February 2020 1684.7mm = wettest 12 months recorded here (beating 1632.7mm Dec 2013 to Nov 2014).
Estimated sunshine total: 138 hours was near average.
Total rainfall: 586.3mm (150%)
Wettest day: 61.8mm Feb 15th
rain rate: 44.4 mm/hr Feb 9th
Rain days >0.2mm: 73
Wet days >1.0mm: 63
of heavy rain >10mm: 21
dry spell: 6 days Dec 27th
- Jan 1st
temperature: 5.5c (+0.7c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 8.3c (+0.6c)
Mean Min: 2.7c (+0.8c)
Max: 11.6c Dec 10th
& Feb 9th
Low Max: 2.6c Dec 17th
High Min: 9.8c Dec 6th
Low Min: -7.7c Dec 2nd
Est sun: 138 hr (95%)
Max sun: 7 hrs Feb 6th
no sun: 26
Air frost: 17
Ground frost: 32
days: 0
Mean RH: NA
RH: 100% numerous
Low RH: 66% Feb 27th
Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 64mph Jan 14th
pressure: 1011mbar
pressure: 1050mbar Jan 19th
& 20th
= record
pressure: 971mbar Dec 21st
19 (4 of these over 0.5cm)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 9
Fog at 0900: 4
Snow or sleet: 5
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 2 NE 0 E 4 SE 3 S 15 SW 22 W 19 NW 5 Calm 21
Church Lawford rainfall Winter 2019/20:
Total: 240.6mm (157%)
Wettest day: 17.2mm Feb 15th
Rain days: 61
Over 1mm: 43
Over 10mm: 5
Dry spell: 4 days Feb 2nd - 5th
Bablake Winter 2019/20
Total: 267.2mm (161%)
Wettest day: 23.8mm Feb 15th
Rain days: 61
Over 1mm: 41
Over 10mm: 9
Dry spell: 6 days Dec 27th – Jan 1st
Thunder: 2
Sun: 211.5 hrs (107%)
March 2020 summary Llanwnnen
Rather mild and sunny; rainfall near average
Mean temp 6.2c (0.0c wrt 2006-20).
Total rainfall 95.8mm this being 115% of the historical Lampeter average and 92% of the 2006-20 mean here. All the rain fell in the first 19 days.
Total est sun 132 hours (141%) = sunniest March estimated here (131 hours 2016). 64% sunshine in last 10 days.
1st - 6th sunny intervals and some rain or showers (small amounts); temperatures near average with some night frosts ; max 7.3c though 5th modestly managing to be the lowest such reading of the month.
7th – 19th unsettled with showers and longer spells of rain, some heavy; 22.2mm 9th wettest day of the month; rather cloudy, a few sunny intervals and the odd brighter day; average to rather mild temperatures and largely frost- free this spell; min 10.2c 10th highest of the month.
20th - 21st dry with sunny intervals, breezy, temperatures average.
22nd - 27th stunning spell of almost unbroken sunshine, often warm by day with frosty nights; max 18.7c 25th - highest reading of the month while minima 26th and 27th below -4c; unbroken 11.5 hours sun 25th, 26th and 27th .
28th - 31st colder but still dry with sunny intervals; frosty nights, min -4.3 30th lowest reading of the month; fine and sunny final day.
Total rainfall: 95.8mm (115%)
Wettest day: 22.2mm 9th
rain rate: 47.6mm/ hr 8th
Rain days >0.2mm: 19
Wet days >1.0mm: 17
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 3
dry spell: 12 days 20th
- 31st
temperature: 6.2c (0.0c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 11.1c (+0.5c)
Mean Min: 1.4c (-0.4c)
Max: 18.7c 25th
Low Max: 7.3c 5th
High Min: 10.2c 10th
Low Min: -4.3c 30th
Est sun: 132 hr (141%)
Max sun: 11.5 hrs 25th & 26th & 27th
no sun: 3
Air frost: 12
Ground frost: 18
days: 0
Mean RH: 83%
RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 20% 26th
Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 41mph 12th
pressure: 1017mbar
pressure: 1043mbar 29th
Min pressure: 984mbar 1st
2 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 0
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 2
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 1 NE 6 E 5 SE 1 S 1 SW 10 W 3 NW 0 Calm 4
Church Lawford rainfall March 2020:
Total: 36.6mm (81%)
Wettest day: 7.2mm 9th
Rain days: 15
Over 1mm: 10
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 10 days 20th - 29th
Bablake March 2020
Total: 32.4mm (69%)
Wettest day: 8.2mm 13th
Rain days: 15
Over 1mm: 9
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 9 days 21st - 29th
Thunder: 0
Sun: 157.1 hrs (138%)
April 2020
Llanwnnen summary
Warm, dry and sunny
Mean temp 10.6c = warmest April since 2011 (11.4c) entirely due to warm maxima effect.
Mean max 17.5c = warmest since 2007 (17.6c) at over 3c above 2006-20 average (itself warm).
Mean min 3.6c = close to average.
Total rainfall 35.1mm this being 46% of the historical 1916-50 Lampeter average and 56% of the 2006-20 mean here; note this is the largest negative disparity between the two average sets with Llanwnnen modern April rainfall just 81% of the historical Lampeter figure.
Total estimated sunshine 205hrs = sunniest April since 2015 (218 hrs).
The month comprised two lengthy dry, warm and sunny spells and just short cooler unsettled interludes:
1st - 4th cool and rather cloudy with a little rain, max 8.2c 1st lowest of the month appropriately.
5th warm with a sunny afternoon but then rain evening into early hours 6th .
6th - 16th dry and mainly sunny; fantastic spell of April weather, 7 days above 10 hours sun with unbroken estimated 13 hours 14th & 15th; notable Spring temperatures peaking max 25.2c 10th (Good Friday) the highest reading here so early in the year (beating 21.4c 10/4/12) - note the previous day max 23.4c also achieved this feat; 5 days in this spell above max 21c is most notable for early April...only one day rather cloudy during this spell (est 2 hours 12th); with clear skies often by night there were some sharp frosts, min -4.5c 15th the lowest reading of the month with a diurnal range 23.6c 16th (-1.8c to 21.8c).
17th - 18th cooler and rather cloudy interlude with a few showers.
19th - 26th warm or very warm, dry with sunny periods; unbroken 13.5 hours sun 20th & 21st; max above 21c 21st - 25th with the peak in this spell 23.7c 24th .
27th - 30th much cooler, unsettled end to the month; max just 9.0c 28th; some redress of rainfall deficit but no large quantities fell in showers and some longer spells, though 69% of the monthly total fell in the last 4 days; much cloud to end the month although some pleasant sunny breaks 29th.
Total rainfall: 35.1mm (46%)
Wettest day: 10.8mm 29th
rain rate: 31.4mm/ hr 29th
Rain days >0.2mm: 8
Wet days >1.0mm: 7
of heavy rain >10mm: 1
dry spell: 11 days 6th
- 16th
temperature: 10.6c (+1.7c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 17.5c (+3.2c)
Mean Min: 3.6c (+0.1c)
Max: 25.2c 10th
(highest rec so early in year)
Low Max: 8.2c 1st
High Min: 9.8c 17th
Low Min: -4.5c 15th
Est sun: 205 hr (136%)
Max sun: 13.5 hours 20th & 21st = April records
no sun: 3
Air frost: 4
frost: 11
Mean RH: 78%
RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 34% 22nd
Predominant wind direction: East
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 34mph vs
pressure: 1017mbar
pressure: 1030mbar 14th
Min pressure: 990mbar 30th
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 0
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 1 NE 8 E 4 SE 3 S 2 SW 3 W 1 NW 1 Calm 7
Church Lawford rainfall April 2020 :
Total: 31.2mm (62%)
Wettest day: 10.0mm 28th
Rain days: 9
Over 1mm: 7
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 8 days 19th - 26th
Bablake April 2020
Total: 28.8mm (55%)
Wettest day: 9.8mm 28th
Rain days: 8
Over 1mm: 7
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 8 days 19th - 26th
Thunder: 1
Sun: 242.0 hrs (159%)
May 2020
Llanwnnen summary
Exceptionally dry and sunny; very warm by day
Notably dry month, notably sunny month, notably high maxima with notable heatwave month end, on the other hand notable late sharp frosts mid month
Total rainfall 8.9mm (12%) = driest of any month srb 2006.
Driest May on record here (easily beating 33.9mm 2019).
Total estimated sunshine 271hrs (148%) = sunniest May (beating 208 hrs 2018).
Second sunniest month here .. sunniest month is 278 hrs July 2013 with June 2018 260 hrs.
Mean temp 12.1c = only the warmest since 2018 (12.2c).
Mean max 19.5c = warmest in May (beating 18.9c 2008 & 2018); there have been cooler mean max in July since 2006 here.
Mean min 4.7c recovered from below 2c mid month to near average.
1st - 3rd mostly dry with sunny intervals and near average temperatures; little rain early 3rd which was a cloudy day
4th - 9th dry with sunny periods, warm to very warm; peak temperature of this spell 24.7c 9th, unbroken sun 5th and 6th ; thunderstorms passed uite close to the south and east afternoon 9th producing the first thunder of 2020, Carmarthen saw flooding with over 50mm in some places
10th – 18th warm start 10th but significant cool down from max 19.8c midday to 10c late afternoon; continued dry with sunny intervals (and sunny 14th) with rather cool to average temperatures by day, frosty nights, min -4.2c 12th was a damaging late Spring frost and the lowest reading so far into the Season although not quite a May record low (-4.3c 5/5/19) and 3 out of 4 nights 12th - 15th sub -3c unprecedented for mid May
19th - 21st warm with sunny periods, max 24.9c 20th one of the highest readings of the month; a weak front managed to produce thunder and lightning early hours but hardly any rain
22nd – 23rd much needed rain early hours of 22nd although at 6.8mm not enough, a windy day gusts towards 40mph, then sunny intervals a nd a few showers and temperatures down to near normal
24th – 26th dry and sunny and warm however rather cloudy 26th ; thick fog early 25th
27th -31st dry, hot and sunny, a stunning heatwave end to a fabulous Spring! Almost unbroken sunshine, temperatures reached 27c on the last 4 days, a feat not previously achieved in May! Monthly high 27.3c on the 28th & 29th just a degree short of the May record here (2017).
Total rainfall: 7.9mm (12%) = reord dry month
Wettest day: 6.8mm 21st
rain rate: 11.2mm/hr 23rd
Rain days >0.2mm: 5
Wet days >1.0mm: 2
Days of heavy
rain >10mm: 0
dry spell: 12 days 8th
- 19th
temperature: 12.1c (+0.5c
wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 19.5c (+2.5c)
Mean Min: 4.7c (-1.4c)
Max: 27.3c
& 29th
Max: 12.8c 12th
High Min: 11.1c
Min: -4.2c 12th
Est sun: 271hr (148%)
Max sun: 15.5 hrs 29th
no sun: 0
frost: 5
frost: 10
RH: 75% = not quite a record
low (74% July 2018)
RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 26%
Predominant wind direction: WSW
wind speed: 4.4mph
(no spikes for a change)
gust: 39mph 22nd
pressure: 1022mbar
pressure: 1038mbar
pressure: 995mbar 1st
Gale: 0
Thunder: 2
Fog: 2
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 3 NE 6 E 2 SE 2 S 4 SW 6 W 1 NW 2 Calm 5
Church Lawford rainfall May 2020:
Exceptionally dry
Total: 1.2mm
Wettest day: 1.2mm (1st)
Rain days: 1
Over 1mm: 1
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 30 days 2nd - 31st
Bablake May 2020
Exceptionally dry and sunny
Driest May on record and driest month since Feb 1961 (2.0mm).
Only 5 drier months recorded in Coventry (0.8mm July 1885, September 1959, 1.8mm June 1925, 2.0mm February 1959, April 1961, 2.3mm March 1931).
Sunniest of any month on record (previous ...
Sunniest May on record beating 269.2 hrs in May 1992
BWS Total: 3.0mm (6%)
Wettest day: mm
Rain days: 2
Over 1mm: 2
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 22 days days 10th - 31st
Thunder: 0
Sun: 290 hours
Spring 2020 Llanwnnen
Very dry, very sunny and warm by day
Total rainfall 139.8mm (59%)= (beating 143.6mm Spring 2011).
March rather wet, April very dry then May exceptionally dry.
Driest Season beating Summer 2006 140.9mm.
Not the driest 3 month period though that remains 98.9mm May – July 2018
Total est sunshine 607 hrs (143%) = sunniest Spring (smashing 491 hrs 2015)
Sunniest of any season beating 574 hrs (Summer 2018)
Not the sunniest 3 months, thats still 689 hrs May- July 2018
Total rainfall: 139.8mm (59%)
Wettest day: 22.2mm March 9th
rain rate: 47.6mm/ hr March 8th
Rain days >0.2mm: 32
Wet days >1.0mm: 26
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 4
dry spells: 12 days March 20th
- 31st
& May 8th
- 19th
temperature: 9.6c (+0.7c )
Mean Max: 16.0c (+2.0c)
Mean Min: 3.2c (-0.6c)
Max: 27.3c
May 28th
Max: 7.3c March 5th
High Min: 11.1c
May 22nd
Min: -4.5c April 15th
Est sun: 607 hr (143%)
Max sun: 15.5hrs May 29th
no sun: 6
Air frost: 21
Ground frost: 39
days: 0
Mean RH: 79%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 20% March 26th
Predominant wind direction: V
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 41mph March 12th
pressure: 1018mbar
pressure: 1043mbar March 29th
Min pressure: 984mbar March 1st
2 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 2
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 2
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 5 NE 20 E 11 SE 6 S 7 SW 19 W 5 NW 3 Calm 16
Church Lawford rainfall Spring 2020:
Very dry Spring
Total: 69.0mm (46%)
Wettest day: 10.0mm April 28th
Rain days: 25
Over 1mm: 18
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 30 days May 2nd - 31st
Bablake Spring 2020
BWS Total: 64.2mm (41%)
Wettest day: 9.8mm April 28th
Rain days: 25
Over 1mm: 18
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 22 days May 9th - 31st
Thunder: 1
Sunniest Spring on record (beating 626.6 hrs 1990)
Driest Spring since 2011 (52.8mm)
June 2020 summary Llanwnnen
Wet and rather dull with near average temperatures
Total rainfall 127.4mm this being 187% of the historical average for nearby Lampeter but just 132% of the 2006-2020 mean here; note that June has the greatest difference between the two sets of monthly averages, with recent June's here (mean 89.8mm) being 132% of the historical figure (68.0mm).
Mean temperature 14.0c (-0.3c wrt 2006-20 average) unremarkable bar the large difference between high max (31.3c, second highest recorded in June) and low max (just 10.3c, second coolest in June).
Total estimated sunshine 129 hrs (79%) less than half the May total!
Thunder 3 days equal highest for June (2009 also 3).
1st - 2nd continuation of the late May sunny spell, near unbroken sunshine and very warm; max 26.4c 1st.
3rd - 7th cool/ very cool and mostly cloudy, big contrast to preceeding months weather! Occasional rain or showers, breezy; particularly cool and wet 6th, max just 10.3c, the second coolest in June (after 9.8c 11/06/2019); all 5 days max below 14c, rather notable for Summer..
8th - 9th dry with sunny intervals, temperatures nearer average; probable grass frost briefly 9th after min +0.8c, lowest of the month.
10th – 21st unsettled with spells of rain and thundery showers, very heavy at times; periods of rain 10th to early 11th gave a welcome 29.3mm with 92mm rainfall during this unsettled spell; thunderstorms occurred both 16th & 17th; rather cool at first became rather warm and humid but then cooled again; sunny intervals but rather cloudy mostly, better sunny spells and drier by by 20th/ 21st; mist and some fog at times 15th - 18th.
22nd - 25th still much cloud and a little drizzle 22nd but became very warm/ hot and sunny; very hot 25th, max 31.3c, the second highest reading here in June (31.4c 26/06/18); thunder and lightning late evening 25th.
26th - 30th mostly cloudy and cool, a little rain or drizzle at times; residual warm air and thundery showers early hours 26th, min 15.6c highest of the year to date, in the cooler air of daytime temperatures pegged below 17c; quite windy 27th - 29th.
Total rainfall: 127.4mm (187%)
Wettest day: 29.3mm 10th
rain rate: 48.0mm/ hr @ 1134 16th
Rain days >0.2mm: 21
Wet days >1.0mm: 18
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 5
dry spell: 10 days May 23rd
to June 1st
& 3 days various
temperature: 14.0c (-0.3c)
Mean Max: 18.9c (-0.6c)
Mean Min: 9.2c (+0.2c)
Max: 31.3c 25th
Low Max: 10.3c 6th
High Min: 15.6c 26th
Low Min: 0.8c 9th
Est sun: 129 hr (79%)
Max sun: 15.5 hrs 1st
no sun: 5
Air frost: 0
frost: 1
Mean RH: 85%
RH: 100% various
Low RH: 30%
Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed: 4.9mph
gust: 32mph 22nd
& 27th
pressure: 1012mbar
pressure: 1025mbar 1st
Min pressure: 999mbar 5th
Gale: 0
Thunder: 3
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
0900 WIND: N 4 NE 2 E 2 SE 2 S 3 SW 7 W 1 NW 5 Calm 4
Church Lawford rainfall :
Rather wet
Total: 84.4mm (151%)
Wettest day: 17.4mm 17th
Rain days: 20
Over 1mm: 14
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 32 days May 2nd – June 2nd & 5 days 21st - 25th
Bablake rather wet
Total: 85.6mm (145%)
Wettest day: 21.4mm 17th
Rain days: 21
Over 1mm: 15
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 22 days May 10th – June 1st & 4 days 22nd - 25th
Thunder: 5
Sun: 179.5 hrs (96%)
July 2020
Dull and cool, quite wet:
A mixed month, often cool..
Coolest July recorded here, srb 2006 (previous lowest 14.8c in 2008, 2011 & 2012).
Deficit mostly due to mean max (-1.8c wrt 2006-20 mean) which was second coolest (18.7c 2008).
Estimated sunshine 119 hours (66%) the dullest July since 2016 (106 hrs).
Wettest July since 2010 (155.6mm). 110% of the historical Lampeter average and 120% of the 2006-20 mean here
1st -2nd mostly dry with sunny intervals, bar rain early hours 2nd; near average temperatures.
3rd - 9th cool/ very cool by day, mostly cloudy with spells of rain, some heavy; mostly dry interlude with sunny intervals 5th and 6th; especially wet 7th and 8th 22.2mm latter, the wettest day of the month; max 14.6c 3rd and 14.9c 7th were amongst the lowest recorded here in July (coolest 13.7c 02/07/12) with all the cloud nights though were mild.
10th - 12th dry with sunny spells, cool and breezy 10th ; 12th close to grass frost and one of the lowest July readings (record +0.7c 31/07/15) however the day turned out rather warm with the sunshine.
13th - 15th cool/ very cool and cloudy with rain or drizzle at times (wettest 13th).
16th - 18th mostly dry but rather cloudy, quite warm at first; cool with rain 18th.
19th - 22nd dry with sunny periods, cool NNW breeze at first; cold by night min c 2c 20th & 21st (2.1c 21st). Temperatures recovered to average by 21st. Rather cloudy 22nd.
23rd - 27th unsettled, mostly cloudy with occasional rain or showers, a few sunny intervals, near average temperatures; min 15.2c 25th highest of the month.
28th - 29th dry; cool with sunny spells 28th, clouded over 29th.
30th - 31st up to this stage in the month the highest reading was just 22c (12th), Summer made a return month end, max 26.9c 31st with plentiful sunshine..
Total rainfall: 111.7mm (110%)
Wettest day: 22.2mm 8th
rain rate: NA
Rain days >0.2mm: 16
Wet days >1.0mm:
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 5
dry spell: 4 days 19th
- 22nd
temperature: 14.7c (-1.1c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 19.0c (-1.8c)
Mean Min: 10.3c (-0.5c)
Max: 26.9c 31st
Low Max: 14.6c 3rd
High Min: 15.2c 25th
Low Min: 1.6c 12th
Est sun: 119 hr (66%) - estimated 22nd - 26th as away and no webcam captures
Max sun: 14 hours 20th
no sun: 5
Air frost: 0
frost: 0
Mean RH: 87%
RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 48% 30th
Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed: NA
but c 5.0mph (spikes one day)
gust: 40mph 27th
pressure: 1017mbar
pressure: 1030mbar 12th
Min pressure: 1000mbar 27th
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1 (away Coventry so from sferics 26th
pm when downpours and sferic just 2 miles SE and many others within
10 miles ENE)
Fog: 1
Fog at 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 5 NE 0 E 0 SE 0 S 5 SW 14 W 4 NW 3 Calm 0
Church Lawford rainfall :
Total: 49.2mm (82%)
Wettest day: 11.0mm (7th)
Rain days: 14
Over 1mm: 10
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 5 days 19th - 22nd
Total: 56.2mm
Wettest day: 11.7mm 7th
Rain days: 14
Over 1mm: 10
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 5 days 19th - 22nd
Sun: 168.4 hrs
August 2020
Exceptionally wet and dull; rather warm; notably warm and thundery mid month
This was the warmest August recorded since we moved here but also the wettest and dullest! It was the second wettest of any Summer month since we moved here (218.3mm in June 2013).
Many records fell this month, the wettest August day was beaten on 3 occasions, the high minimum fell twice as well as the hottest August temperature (srb 2006).
Notable very warm, humid thundery spell towards mid month while we were in Coventry for Aunts funeral; Llanwnnen was hit by thunderstorms on 3 days, an especially vicious one 10th gave well over an inch of rain in half hour, frequent thunder and lightning (sferics) and very likely heavy hail for a time (webcam/ villager report).
Total thunder heard on 5 days = record (beating 4 in May 2008).
Total rainfall: 214.4mm (197%) this being 197% of the historical mean for nearby Lampeter and 200% of the 2006 – 2020 average here.
Mean temperature 16.5c (+1.2c wrt 2006-20) = warmest August recorded here (beating 16.3c 2019).
Mean maximum 20.8c (+1.1c) = second warmest (after 20.9c in 2019).
Mean minimum 12.2c (+1.3c) = highest recorded in August here (beating 12.1c in 2008).
Total estimated sunshine 85 hours (53%) = lowest in August (beating 92 hours in 2018).
1st - 3rd mostly dry, quite cool with sunny intervals
4th - 6th cloudy with occasional rain and drizzle, rather windy, cool then warmed up
7th - 10th warm and humid, often dry with sunny intervals; min 17.4c 7th beat the August high (17.2c 18/08/12); foggy start 10th then being away we missed a severe thunderstorm around 1400 that gave over 27mm in half hour, a peak rainfall rate of 245mm/ hour, very likely heavy hail and frequent and close thunder and lightning. Total rainfall for 10th at least 33.6mm (the Snowdon gauge had 7mm more than what the automatic station recorded when we got home, suggesting the latter under-recorded due to rain/ hail splash out). In any case this was the wettest August day recorded here (beating 28.5mm 15/08/13).
11th - 13th hot and very humid with sunny spells; max 29.3c 12th was an August record high (beating 28.3c 05/08/18), with the following night breaking the warmth record for the second time in a week, min 17.6c this time ahead of 17.4c (7th). Both 11th and 12th saw mist andfog to 0900; further thunderstorms 12th with heavy downpours during the evening (it is possible thunder would have been heard previous day too, as sferics at 10- 15miles but no way of knowing for sure but there would have been lightning displays during the evening of the 11th at least).
14th - 20th still humid with average to warm temperatures (always warm by night); rather cloudy with showers or longer spells of rain, very heavy at times; further thunder occurred 16th (judging by the nearby sferics and being shortly before we arrived home in the evening) and 17th; 34.2mm 17th was again greater than for previous record from 2013 (see above); 18th saw some better sunny spells.
21st – 28th mostly cloudy and rather cool/ cool, further showers or longer spells of wet weather; more thunder early hours 21st, then 30.1mm 24th which yet again beat the former August daily rainfall record; strong to gale force winds both on the 21st and 25th ; nights were still above average in the main with all the cloud and wind.
29th - 31st a few showers at first then a dry, bright end to the month with sunny spells; chilly nights (min 2.6c 29th lowest of the month), very cool 29th (max 15.4c) but recovered to average 31st (max 19.4c).
Total rainfall: 214.4mm (197%)
Wettest day: 34.2mm 17th (also 33.6mm 10th while away likely was higher at c 40mm)
rain rate: 245mm/ hour 1407 10th
= record downpour
days >0.2mm: 22
Wet days >1.0mm: 15
Days of heavy rain
>10mm: 8
dry spell: 2 days various
temperature: 16.5c (+1.2c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 20.8c (+1.1c)
Mean Min: 12.2c (+1.3c)
Max: 29.3c 12th
= Aug record
Max: 15.4c 29th
Min: 17.6c 13th
= Aug record
Min: 2.6c 29th
Est sun: 85 hr (53%)
Max sun: 8.5 hrs 12th & 30th
no sun: 4
Air frost: 0
frost: 0
Mean RH: 90%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 50% 3rd
wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 45mph 21st
pressure: 1012mbar
pressure: 1023mbar 8th
Min pressure: 989mbar 21st
2 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 5
Fog: 4
Fog at 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 3 NE 0 E 2 SE 0 S 7 SW 4 W 3 NW 1 Calm 11
Church Lawford rainfall :
Total: 103.0mm (166%)
Wettest day: 23.2mm (17th)
Rain days: 15
Over 1mm: 12
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 9 days July 28th – Aug 5th
Total: 94.4mm (150%)
Wettest day: 19.4mm 27th
Rain days: 16
Over 1mm: 13
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 9 days July 28th – Aug 5th
Thunder: 6 (second highest in August after 9 days in 2006)
Sun: 147.0 hrs (79%)
Summer 2020 summary
Very dull and very wet with average temperatures
Total rainfall 453.5mm was the wettest Summer since 2012 (477.7mm)..this being 162% of the historical 1916-50 average for nearby Lampeter and 157% of the 2006-20 mean here.
Total estmated sunshine 334 hours (66%) = dullest Summer estimated here (previously 351 hrs 2017).
Mean temp 15.1c (0.0c) = coolest Summer since 2017 (15.1c).
All 3 months had above average rainfall, August being exceptionally wet and one of the wettest in the historical record for the area (only found 236mm in 1927 Falcondale, Lampeter to be wetter)
All 3 months suffered a deficit of sunshine with again August the poorest in this respect. Summer 2020 had only just over half of what Spring 2020 had (607 hours)!
June had near average temperatures, July was the coolest recorded here, then August rather warm overall.
Total rainfall: 453.5mm (162%)
Wettest day: 34.2mm August 17th (but could well have been nearer 40mm 10th while we were away)
rain rate: 245mm/hour August 10th
Rain days >0.2mm: 59
Wet days >1.0mm: 46
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 18
dry spell: 4 days July 19th
- 22nd
temperature: 15.1c (0.0c)
Mean Max: 19.6c
Mean Min: 10.6c
Max: 31.3c June 25th
Low Max: 10.3c June 6th
High Min: 17.6c Aug 13th
Low Min: +0.8c June 9th
Est sun: 334 hr (66%)
Max sun: 15.5 hrs June 1st
no sun: 14
Air frost: 0
frost: 1
Mean RH: 87%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 30% June 1st
Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 45mph Aug 21st
pressure: 1014mbar
pressure: 1030 mbar (July 12th)
Min pressure: 989mbar (Aug
2 (1) both August
Gale: 0
Thunder: 9 = Summer/ Seasonal
Fog: 9
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
0900 WIND: N 12 NE 2 E 4 SE 2 S 15 SW 25 W 8 NW 9 Calm 15
Church Lawford rainfall Summer 2020:
Total: 236.6mm (133%0
Wettest day: 23.2mm Aug 17th
Rain days: 49
Over 1mm: 36
Over 10mm: 7
Dry spell: 9 days July 28th – Aug 5th
Bablake Summer 2020
Total: 236.2mm (130%)
Wettest day: 21.6mm June 17th
Rain days: 51
Over 1mm: 37
Over 10mm: 6
Dry spell: 9 days July 28th to August 5th
Thunder: 13
Sun: 494.9 hrs (86%)
September 2020
Rather dry and fairly sunny; average temperatures
Total rainfall: 81.1mm = driest September since 2014 (9.4mm); 71% of the historical Lampeter average and 81% of the 2006-20 mean here.
Total estimated sunshine 136 hours (109%) = sunniest September since 2015 (158 hrs).
1st - 8th bright and rather warm 1st then changeable, rather cool and rather cloudy with occasional rain or drizzle, worst of this 2nd/ 3rd gave 10.9mm; min 15.2c 8th warmest of the month.
9th - 11th mostly dry but rather cool; sunny periods afternoon 9th otherwise much cloud
12th – 21st dry and warm/ very warm max 26.9c 14th equalled the September record (same date 2016); run of 9 consecutive days attaining 20c 13th - 21st notable for September; sunny spells then almost unbroken sunshine 17th – 21st.
22nd – 25th thick fog early 22nd beckoned a change to Autumnal conditions - cool or very cool with showers and some longer spells of rain; thunder heard afternoon 24th and some quite large hail the next day (up to 1cm diameter); first grass frost of the Season 25th with min 0.9c
26th/ 27th dry with sunny periods but cool and breezy
28th - 30th grass frost 28th , min 0.0c, lowest of the month, then unsettled again, showers and longer spells of rain, especially last day of the month with 23.2mm - easily the wettest day of a rather dry month overall; rather cool
Total rainfall: 81.1mm (71%)
Wettest day: 23.2mm 30th
rain rate: 52.2mm/ hr 30th
Rain days >0.2mm: 14
Wet days >1.0mm: 11
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 3
dry spell: 10 days 12th
temperature: 13.0c (-0.3c)
Mean Max: 18.3c (+0.3c)
Mean Min: 7.8c (-0.9c)
Max: 26.9c 14th
(equalled record 2016)
Max: 12.7c 24th
High Min: 15.2c 8th
Low Min: 0.0c 28th
Est sun: 136 hr (109%)
Max sun: 11.5 hrs 17th
no sun: 3
Air frost: 0
frost: 2
Mean RH: 89%
RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 49% 14th
Predominant wind direction: west
Mean wind speed:
gust: 33mph 25th
pressure: 1018mbar
pressure: 1029mbar 17th
Min pressure: 991mbar 24th
1 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 4
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
0900 WIND: N 5 NE 4 E 0 SE 0 S 2 SW 7 W 3 NW 0 Calm 9
Church Lawford rainfall :
Total: 26.4mm (41%)
Wettest day: 11.0mm
Rain days: 8
Over 1mm: 4
Over 10mm: 1
Dry spell: 18 days 4th - 21st
Very dry and rather warm..
Total: 21.6mm (38%)
Wettest day: 8.2mm (30th)
Rain days: 9
Over 1mm: 5
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 10 days 12th -21st
Thunder: 0
Sun: 174.5 hrs (127%)
October 2020
Cool, very wet and dull
Total rainfall 240.3mm this being 168% of the 1916- 20 average for nearby Lampeter and 164% of the 2006-20 mean here. It was the wettest October recorded at this site (beating 221.5mm in 2008mm), although 248.6mm was measured at Ciliau Aeron towards the coast (a drier site) in 2004 and so likely closer to 300mm here that October?
Total estimated sunshine 54 hrs (62% of MO maps) = dullest October here (56 hours 2019).
Mean temperature 9.5c over a degree below the 2006-20 average here, with mean max 13.0c (-1.5c) tying with 2008, 2012 and 2019 as lowest recorded.
1st - 13th dull, very wet and often cool; mostly cloudy with spells of rain or showbers, very heavy at times, 40.8mm 3rd being the wettest day of the month; Maxima almost exclusively below average (none above 15c) although some nights were mild (above 9c); 11th a better day with sunny periods and just a few showers; quite windy at times; 142.7mm rain by 12th was up to the whole October average.
14h - 19th dry reprieve, sunny intervals most days and with plentiful sunshine 15th! Still generally rather cool, although exceeded 15c (15.6c) 14th which felt quite mild; first air frosts of the Season 15th and 16th (min -1.1c latter).
20th – 31st unsettled with spells of rain or showers, some heavy; temperatures varying beween mild and cool (max being between 9c and 15c); max 9.5c 28th coolest of the month then min 12.7c by 30th very mild night in a warm sector; much cloud but with some sunny spells too; strong winds final day, the first blast of Autumn with gusts up to 48mph.
Total rainfall: 240.3mm (168%)
Wettest day: 40.8mm 3rd
rain rate: 53.4mm/ hr 13th
Rain days >0.2mm: 25
Wet days >1.0mm: 25
Days of
heavy rain >10mm:
dry spell: 6 days 13th
- 18th
temperature: 9.5c (-1.1c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 13.0c (-1.5c)
Mean Min: 6.0c (-0.8c)
Max: 15.6c 14th
Low Max: 9.5c 28th
High Min: 12.7c 30th
Low Min: -1.1c 16th
Est sun: 54hr (62%)
Max sun: 8.5 hrs 15th
no sun: 8
Air frost: 2
frost: 4
Mean RH: 93%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 61% 15th
Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed:
gust: 48mph 31st
pressure: 1008mbar
pressure: 1029mbar 11th
Min pressure: 980mbar 4th
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 0
Fog at 0900: 0
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 2 NE 4 E 0 SE 0 S 6 SW 8 W 6 NW 1 Calm 4
Church Lawford rainfall :
Very wet
Total: 118.6mm (177%)
Wettest day: 45.2mm 3rd
Rain days: 26
Over 1mm: 17
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 3 days 16th -18th
Very wet
Total: 114.4mm (169%)
Wettest day: 38.8mm 3rd
Rain days: 27
Over 1mm: 16
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 2 days 17th - 18th
Thunder: 0
Sun: 66.8 hrs (64%)
November 2020 summary
Mild with near average rainfall and sunshine
Mean temp 8.0c (+1.0c wrt 2006-20) = mildest November since 2015 (9.3c).
Total rainfall 132.2mm = driest Nov since 2016 (69.9mm) this being 89% of the historical 1916-50 average at nearby Lampeter and 82% of the 2006-2020 mean here.
Total estimated sunshine 60 hours (95%).
1st -3rd unsettled with spells of rain or showers, sunny intervals; windy 1st and 2nd; mild 1st to rather cool 3rd.
4th - 8th mainly dry with sunny intervals and sunshine unbroken 6th; fog and slight frost at times nights; near average temperatures became mild.
9th - 21st unsettled and rather windy with spells of rain or showers, heavy at times; notably mild max 16.6c 9th highest in November for 5 years (19.9c 01/11/15) and mildest so late in the year since 17.1c 13/11/11; min 10.9c 11th highest of the month with overall this spell mild though a few brief cooler incursions; much cloud with some sunny intervals.
22nd – 30th rather dry, a little rain or drizzle at times (with a more appreciable 8.1mm 24th though); temperatures varying from quite mild to rather cold, max 6.7c 27th the lowest of the month; fosty nights at times, also some mist and fog, min -2.9c 23rd lowest of the month; 27th and 29th very pleasant sunny days.
Total rainfall: 453.5mm (89%)
Wettest day: 19.4mm/ hr 11th
rain rate: 58.4mm/ hr 15th
Rain days >0.2mm: 24
Wet days >1.0mm: 20
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 5
dry spell: 3 days 4th
- 6th
temperature: 8.0c (+1.0c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 11.3c (+1.0c)
Mean Min: 4.7c (+1.0c)
Max: 16.6c 9th
Low Max: 6.7c 27th
High Min: 10.9c 17th
Low Min: -2.9c 23rd
Est sun: 60 hr (95%)
Max sun: 8.5 hrs 6th
no sun: 5
Air frost: 5
Ground frost: 9
days: 0
Mean RH: 94%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 51% 6th
Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed:
gust: 46mph 1st
pressure: 1017mbar
pressure: 1041mbar 4th
Min pressure: 987mbar 15th
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 6
Fog at 0900: 2
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 0 NE 3 E 1 SE 0 S 5 SW 9 W 1 NW 1 Calm 10
Church Lawford rainfall Nov 2020:
Total: 37.8mm (63%)
Wettest day: 9.4mm 14th
Rain days: 21
Over 1mm: 15
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 2 days various
Bablake Nov 2020
Total: 38.6mm (62%)
Wettest day: 6.8mm 14th
Rain days: 21
Over 1mm: 15
Over 10mm: 0
Dry spell: 3 days 5th - 7th
Thunder: 0
Sun: 69.4 hrs (105%)
Autumn 2020 summary
Rather wet; temperatures and sunshine near average
Mildest Autumn since 2017 (10.3c)
Total rainfall: 453.5mm (112%)
Wettest day: 40.8mm Oct 3rd
rain rate: 58.4mm/ hr Nov 15th
Rain days >0.2mm: 63
Wet days >1.0mm: 56
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 17
dry spell: 10 days Sept 12th
- 21st
temperature: 10.2c (-0.1c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 14.2c (-0.1c)
Mean Min: 6.1c (-0.3c)
Max: 26.9c Sept 14th
Low Max: 6.7c
High Min: 15.2c Sept 8th
Low Min: -2.9c Nov 23rd
Est sun: 251 hrs (96%)
Max sun: 11.5 hrs Sept 17th
no sun: 16
Air frost: 7
Ground frost: 15
days: 0
Mean RH: 92%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 49% 14th
Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: 5.7mph
gust: 48mph Oct 31st
pressure: 1014mbar
pressure: 1041mbar Nov 4th
Min pressure: 980mbar Oct 4th
4 (1)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Fog: 10
Fog at 0900: 2
Snow or sleet: 0
Snow lying 0900: 0
0900 WIND: N 7 NE 11 E 1 SE 0 S 13 SW 24 W 10 NW 2 Calm 23
Church Lawford rainfall Autumn 2020:
Rainfall near average
Total: 182.8mm (95%)
Wettest day: 45.2mm Oct 3rd
Rain days: 21
Over 1mm: 15
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 18 days Sept 4th - 21st
Bablake Autumn 2020
Rainfall near average
Total: 174.8mm (92%)
Wettest day: 38.0mm Oct 3rd
Rain days: 56
Over 1mm: 36
Over 10mm: 4
Dry spell: 10 days Sept 12th - 21st
Thunder: 0
Sun: 311.2 hrs (101%)
December 2020 Llanwnnen
Very wet; temperatures and sunshine near average
Total rainfall 283.7mm = wettest month of the year, wettest month since Dec 2015 (340.3mm) and second wettest December. 197% of the historical Lampeter average and 154% of the 2006-2020 mean here (note December is clearly the wettest month on average here in the 21st century with a mean of 183.3mm, next highest being November 160.2mm.
Mean temp 4.8c = coldest December since 2012 (4.5c). Coldest month of the year in spite of being close to the long term average.
First and only snowfall of 2020 fell on New Years Eve with 4cm covering on lawn around midday.
1st - 4th unsettled with showers or longer spells of rain, a little sleet 3rd; temperatures average to cold; a few sunny intervals.
5th - 7th cold/ rather cold and dry; frost and some fog; sunny intervals; max 2.3c 6th after slow fog clearance being lowest max of year to date, it was then a sunny afternoon.
8th – 23rd unsettled again, further showers or longer periods of rain, very heavy at times; 135.6mm fell in just 6 days mid month and it was the second wettest week recorded here after October 2018 which had 150mm in 3 days; 38.8mm 18th was the second highest daily total here in December (40.2mm 7/12/05 a few days after we moved in); often cloudy with some sunny intervals and average to very mild temperatures; min 11.2c and max 12.7c were the highest readings of the month
24th - 31st mostly rather cold/ cold with rain or showers at times; sunny intervals; Christmas Day started with a good frost (min -4.0c) and was dry, cold and mostly cloudy; Boxing Day however became was rather mild, wet and windy courtesy of named Storm Bella giving gusts to 48mph overnight with some heavy rain; lowest pressure 967mbar 28th down from highest of the month Christmas Day 1035mbar, a drop of 68mbar in 3 days; snowfall 31st first and only one of the year with 4cm lying around midday, also it was the coldest day of the month and year max just 1.3c.
Total rainfall: 283.7mm (197%)
Wettest day: 38.8mm 18th
rain rate: 41.6mm/ hr 18th
Rain days >0.2mm: 28
Wet days >1.0mm: 27
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 9
dry spell: 2 days 5th
- 6th
temperature: 4.8c (-0.2c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 7.2c (-0.6c)
Mean Min: 2.4c (+0.2c)
Max: 12.7c 18th
Low Max: 1.3c 31st
High Min: 11.2c 18th
Low Min: -5.0c 6th
Est sun: 35 hr (96%)
Max sun: 4.5 hrs 6th
no sun: 8
Air frost: 8
Ground frost: 13
days: 0
Mean RH: 95%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 75% 24th
Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed:
gust: 48mph 27th
pressure: 1002mbar
pressure: 1035mbar 25th
Min pressure: 967mbar 28th
6 (1 over 0.5cm)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 0
Fog: 3
Fog at 0900: 1
Snow or sleet: 4
Snow lying 0900: 1 (sprinkling 0900 but 4cm by 1200)
0900 WIND: N 5 NE 0 E 1 SE 2 S 3 SW 7 W 4 NW 0 Calm 9
Church Lawford rainfall Dec 2020 :
Total: 85.8mm (151%)
Wettest day: 13.6mm 23rd
Rain days: 21
Over 1mm: 17
Over 10mm: 2
Dry spell: 2 days 24th - 25th
Bablake Dec 2020
Total: 97.8mm
Wettest day: 17.0mm 26th
Rain days: 25
Over 1mm: 17
Over 10mm: 3
Dry spell: 2 days 27th - 28th
Thunder: 0
Sun: 56.2 hrs
2020 summary Llanwnnen
Exceptionally wet, quite mild, average sunshine
Total rainfall 1737.0mm = wettest year recorded here srb 2006, this being 132% of the Lampter 1916-50 average and 125% of the 2006-2020 mean here.
Only 1974 wetter year historically in the area when 1784mm fell at Highmeads School, Llanybydder 3 miles SW of here.
4 months above 200mm has not occurred here before - no year having had 3 such months even, with several years having had 2 months above 200mm.
August 214.4mm and October 240.0mm were both the monthly highest here in the 2006-20 record, while May 8.9mm was the driest of any month (beating 9.4mm in September 2014).
Temperatures and sunshine unremarkable although lack of hard frosts quite notable (lowest of the year being -6.3c in January 19th.
Total rainfall: 1737.0mm (132%)
Wettest day: 61.8mm Feb 15th
rain rate: 245mm/hr Aug 10th
Rain days >0.2mm: 233
Wet days >1.0mm: 199
Days of
heavy rain >10mm: 62
dry spell: 12 days March 21st
- 31st
and May 8th
- 19th
temperature: 10.1c (+0.3c wrt 2006-20)
Mean Max: 14.5c (+0.5c)
Mean Min: 5.7c (+0.1c)
Max: 31.3c June 25th
Low Max: 1.3c Dec 31st
High Min: 17.6c Aug 13th
Low Min: -6.3c Jan 19th
Est sun: 1322 hr (98%)
Max sun: 15.5 hrs May 29th and June 1st
no sun: 64
Air frost: 44 = lowest recorded here beating 46 in
Ground frost: 88
days: 0
Mean RH: 88%
RH: 100% many
Low RH: 20% March 26th
Predominant wind direction: SW
Mean wind speed: NA
gust: 64mph Jan 14th
pressure: 1014mbar
pressure: 1050mbar Jan 19th/
= record all time
pressure: 967mbar Dec 28th
29 (7)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 12 = second most after 13 in 2014
Fog at 0900: 5
Snow or sleet: 9
Snow lying 0900: 1
0900 WIND: N 31 NE 33 E 17 SE 13 S 46 SW 91 W 41 NW 18 Calm 76
Church Lawford rainfall 2020 :
Total: 741.0mm (110%)
Wettest day: 45.2mm Oct 3rd
Rain days: 192
Over 1mm: 140
Over 10mm: 19
Dry spell: 30 days May 2nd - 31st
Bablake 2020
Total: 756.4mm (109%)
Wettest day: mm
Rain days: 198
Over 1mm: 138
Over 10mm: 19
Dry spell: 22 days May 10th - 31st
Thunder: 15
Sun: 1698.2 hrs (111%)